Hey Developers,
Each article will bring you points on Global Masters, and you also could earn some of related badges:

✅ Badges for Number of Articles: 1st / 5 / 10 / 25 / 50 articles
✅ Badges for Number of Votes (votes for all your DC posts in sum): 50 / 100 / 500 / 1000 votes
✅ Badges for Number of Views: 750 / 2,000 / 5,000 / 15,000 views

Check these badges and how much points they can bring in this article.

Thank you Robert! It's crucial to have reviews on Open Exchange. We so appreciate your great job on this!

We invite all the developers to leave reviews for applications on Open Exchange and be rewarded on Global Masters:

In this challenge you can get 500 points for each review on Open Exchange

In this challenge you can get 500 points for each submitted Pull Request


Hi Developers, thanks to all who took part in this marathon and submitted reviews! So great to see your feedback on applications! 

Now it's time to announce the Winner of the Raffle!

We entered all the names who participated in a random name generator picker and the winner is... 

>>> @Oliver Wilms 

Congratulations, Oliver! We'll reach you out in DM about your prize.

Big thanks to all for participating! 

Marathon is over, but you still can get 500 points for each published review for OEX application - just submit it in this challenge.  You can complete this challenge multiple times ;)