Hi Community:

As you may know, I am the person who does the program and scheduling for our Global Summit sessions, so I can give you a sneak peek at our agenda before it is published.

I'm happy to report that we will have two special, four-hour workshops on Sunday, June 4, which is the day you arrive to register in Hollywood, Florida.

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Hi Community:

Just thought that those of you in healthcare will be interested to learn that our HealthShare® Unified Care Record® just earned the Certified Data Partner designation in the new National Committee for Quality Assurance’s (NCQA) Data Aggregator Validation program.

As part of the latest NCQA cohort to voluntarily seek and earn the new NCQA certification, our technology passed the rigorous NCQA certification process to help ensure data accuracy and improve its usability.

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Hi Community:

Thought you might be interested in this new partner we just signed in Sydney -- PainChek® Ltd , the Australian-based developer of the world’s first pain assessment and monitoring application for smartphones. Its software-as-a-service, artificial intelligence platform uses smart devices with cameras to accurately evaluate pain levels.

PainChek is using InterSystems IRIS for Health™ and integrating its application with electronic medical record (EMR) systems – including InterSystems TrakCare®.

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