· Jun 13, 2022

NOW WITH THE ANSWERS >Just for Developer Community, Final List of Global Summit Sessions ... And a Little Poll

Hi Community,

I clipped this final list of sessions (with two new ones co-presented with AWS) out of the draft Global Summit Conference Guide. Take a look.

Also, it's not too late to REGISTER >

So out of the nearly 70 sessions, which do you think are the most popular?

Which session has so far attracted the most registrants?
(2 votes)
The Future of HealthShare in the Cloud: Containers/ Kubernetes
(1 vote)
InterSystems IRIS Cloud On-Demand Services
(1 vote)
Getting to Know FHIR: The Best Explanation of FHIR They’ve Ever Heard
(2 votes)
Modern(izing) Full Stack Development on InterSystems IRIS
All votes: 6.
This poll is closed.
Discussion (2)1
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OK, here are the 10 most popular sessions so far:

1. Gettinig to Know FHIR: The Best Explanation of FHIR They've Ever Heard (Registration Closed)

2. How InterSystems Supports CMS & ONC Regulations as well as Prior Authorization

3. Analytics with InterSystems: New & Next

4. Using Python with InterSystems IRIS

5. API Management with InterSystems IRIS

6. InterSystems IRIS FHIR SQL Builder: Sneak Peek

7. Health Connect Cloud

8. Unified Care Record: New & Next

9. The Future of HealthShare in the Cloud: Containers/Kubertnetes

10. Updates in Security