I was actually pondering this question myself for an article I'm working on. I ended up in a very different place than you did, though. I created an Abstract class that extends %CSP.REST and overrides the XData schema, the DispatchMap method, and the DispatchRequest method. If I extend this class - which I've called REST.Resourceful - I can include a resource in the URL map as a resource:permission pair. For example:

<Route Url="/securetest" Method="GET" Call="securetest" Resource="MyResource:U" />

Will only allow you to access the /securetest endpoint if the user has Use permission on the resource "MyResource". If you don't, you get a 401 error. If I leave out the Resource attribute on that node, it doesn't check for any additional resources.

Source code is below. If you search the text for my initials, DLH, you'll see comments where I've made changes in the method, plus I added the attribute "Resource" to the XData schema.

/// Extends the %CSP.REST class to include securing of endpoints by resource in the URL map
Class REST.Resourceful Extends %CSP.REST [ Abstract ]
{ XData Schema [ Internal ]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema> <xs:element name="Routes">
<xs:choice  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="Route">
<xs:attribute name="Url"    type="string" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="Method" type="string" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="Call" type="call" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="Cors" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>
<xs:attribute name="Resource" type="string" use="optional" default=" "/>
<xs:element name="Map">
<xs:attribute name="Prefix" type="string" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="Forward" type="forward" use="required"/>
</xs:element> <xs:simpleType name="call">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="([%]?[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*(\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)*:)?[%]?[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*"/>
</xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="forward">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="([%]?[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*(\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)*)"/>
</xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="string">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:minLength value="1"/>
</xs:simpleType> </xs:schema>
} /// This generator creates the DispatchMap Method used to dispatch the Url and Method to the associated target method
ClassMethod DispatchMap(pIndex As %Integer) As %String [ CodeMode = generator ]
#dim tSC As %Status = $$$OK
    #dim As %Exception.AbstractException
    #dim tStream As %Stream.TmpCharacter
    #dim tHandler As %XML.ImportHandler
    #dim tCompiledClass As %Dictionary.CompiledClass
    #dim tArgCount,tIndex,tI,tCounter As %Integer
    #dim tArgs,tChild,tClassName,tCall,tCors,tForward,tError,tMap,tMethod,tPattern,tPiece,tPrefix,tType,tUrl,tResource As %String
    Try {
        Set tClassName=%classname
        #; Don't run on base class
        If tClassName="%CSP.REST" Quit
        #; Find named XDATA block
        If ##class(%Dictionary.CompiledXData).%ExistsId(tClassName_"||UrlMap") {
            Set tCompiledClass=##class(%Dictionary.CompiledClass).%OpenId(tClassName,,.tSC)
            If '$IsObject(tCompiledClass)||$$$ISERR(tSC) Quit
            Set tIndex = tCompiledClass.XDatas.FindObjectId(tClassName_"||UrlMap")
            If tIndex="" Set tSC=$$$ERROR($$$XDataBlockMissing,tClassName,"UrlMap") Quit
            #; Get XDATA as stream
            Set tStream = tCompiledClass.XDatas.GetAt(tIndex).Data
            Do tStream.Rewind()
            #; Create an XML import handler ( use the internal handler )
            Set tHandler=##class(%XML.ImportHandler).%New("CacheTemp",$$$IntHandler)
            #; Create the Entity Resolver
            Set tResolver=##class(%XML.SAX.XDataEntityResolver).%New(tClassName)
            #; Parse the XML data in the specfied stream
            Set tSC=##Class(%XML.SAX.Parser).ParseStream(tStream,tHandler,tResolver,,,"Schema")
            If $$$ISERR(tSC) Quit       
            #; Copy tree because handler will delete its copy when it goes out of scope
            Merge tMap=@tHandler.DOMName@(tHandler.Tree)
            If $Data(tMap("error"))||$Data(tMap("warning")) {
                Set tSC=$$$ERROR($$$InvalidDispatchMap)
                For tType="error","warning" {       
                    Set tIndex = "" For {
                        Set tIndex=$Order(tMap(tType,tIndex),1,tError) If tIndex="" Quit
                        Set tSC=$$$ADDSC(tSC,$$$ERROR($$$GeneralError,tError))
            #; Walk the xml and generate the routing map
            Set tChild="",tCounter=0 For {
                Set tChild=$Order(tMap(1,"c",tChild)) If tChild="" Quit
                If tMap(tChild)="Route" {
                #; Need to substitute capture groups for arguments
                #; Added setting of tResource based on URL map - DLH
                Set tPattern="",tArgCount=0,tUrl=tMap(tChild,"a","Url"),tCors=tMap(tChild,"a","Cors"),tResource=tMap(tChild,"a","Resource")
                #; Substitute variable placeholders for capture group
                For tI=1:1:$Length(tUrl,"/") {
                    Set tPiece=$Piece(tUrl,"/",tI)
                    If $Extract(tPiece)=":" {
                        Set $Piece(tPattern,"/",tI)="([^"_$Char(0)_"]+)"
                    else {
                        Set $Piece(tPattern,"/",tI)=tPiece                  }
                Set tPattern=$Translate(tPattern,$Char(0),"/")                 Set tCounter=$Increment(tCounter),tMethod=tMap(tChild,"a","Method"),tCall=$Get(tMap(tChild,"a","Call"))
                #; Added getting resource from the URL Map here. - DLH
                $$$GENERATE(" If pIndex="_tCounter_" Quit $ListBuild(""R"","""_tPattern_""","""_tMethod_""","""_tCall_""","""_tCors_""","""_tResource_""")")
            else {
                Set tCounter=$Increment(tCounter),tPrefix=tMap(tChild,"a","Prefix"),tForward=$Get(tMap(tChild,"a","Forward"))                 #; Need to substitute capture groups for arguments
                Set tPattern=""
                For tI=2:1:$Length(tPrefix,"/") {
                    Set tPiece=$Piece(tPrefix,"/",tI)
                    If $Extract(tPiece)=":" {
                        Set tPattern=tPattern_"/[^/]+"
                    else {
                        Set tPattern=tPattern_"/"_tPiece
                Set tPattern = "("_ tPattern _ ")/.*"
                $$$GENERATE(" If pIndex="_tCounter_" Quit $ListBuild(""M"","""_tPattern_""","""_tForward_""")")
            $$$GENERATE(" Quit """"")
        else {
            #; The specified class must have an XDATA Block named UrlMap
            Set tSC=$$$ERROR($$$XDataBlockMissing,tClassName,"UrlMap")
    Catch (e) {
        Set tSC=e.AsStatus()
    Quit tSC
} /// Dispatch a REST request according to URL and Method
ClassMethod DispatchRequest(pUrl As %String, pMethod As %String, pForwarded As %Boolean = 0) As %Status
    #dim tSC As %Status = $$$OK
    #dim As %Exception.AbstractException
    #dim tMatcher As %Regex.Matcher
    #dim tArgs,tClass,tMatchUrl,tMapEntry,tRegEx,tCall,tForward,tAccess,tSupportedVerbs,tTarget,tType As %String
    #dim tI,tIndex As %Integer
    #dim tResourceMatched,tContinue As %Boolean
    #dim tMethodMatched As %Boolean
    Try {
        Set (tResourceMatched,tMethodMatched)=0
        #; Initializing tSecurityResourceMatched - DLH
        Set tSecurityResourceMatched = 1
        #; Extract the match url from the application name
        If (0=pForwarded) {
            Set tMatchUrl="/"_$Extract(pUrl,$Length(%request.Application)+1,*)
        else {
            Set tMatchUrl=pUrl
        #; Uppercase the method
        Set pMethod=$ZCVT(pMethod,"U")
        #; Pre-Dispatch
        Set tContinue=1,tSC=..OnPreDispatch(tMatchUrl,pMethod,.tContinue)
        If $$$ISERR(tSC) Quit
        #; It's the users responsibility to return the response in OnPreDispatch() if Continue = 0
        If tContinue=0 Quit
        #; Walk the dispatch map in collation order of defintion
        For tIndex=1:1 {
            #; Get the next map entry
            Set tMapEntry=..DispatchMap(tIndex) If tMapEntry="" Quit
            #; Pick out the RegEx
            Set tRegEx=$List(tMapEntry,2)
            #; Create a matcher
            Set tMatcher=##class(%Regex.Matcher).%New(tRegEx)
            #; Test each regular expression in turn, extracting the arguments,
            #; dispatching to the named method
            If tMatcher.Match(tMatchUrl) {
#; We have matched the resource
                Set tResourceMatched=1
                #; Logic to check the resource from the URL map
                set tResource = $List(tMapEntry,6)
                If tResource '= " "{
                If $SYSTEM.Security.Check($P(tResource,":",1),$P(tResource,":",2))=0{
         Set tSecurityResourceMatched=0
  #; Added an if so the method only gets dispatched if we have the resource permission
                If tSecurityResourceMatched = 1{
                Set tType=$List(tMapEntry,1)
                 #; If we are a simple route
                 If tType="R" {
                     #; Support OPTIONS VERB (cannot be overriden)
                    If pMethod="OPTIONS" {
                         Set tMethodMatched=1
                         Set tSC=..OnHandleOptionsRequest(tMatchUrl)
                         If $$$ISERR(tSC) Quit
                         #; Dispatch CORS
                        Set tSC=..ProcessCorsRequest(pUrl,$list(tMapEntry,5))
                         If $$$ISERR(tSC) Quit
                     #; comparison is case-insensitive now
                    If pMethod'=$ZCVT($List(tMapEntry,3),"U") Continue
                     Set tTarget=$List(tMapEntry,4)
                     #; We have matched a method
                     Set tMethodMatched=1
                    #; Dispatch CORS
                     Set tSC=..ProcessCorsRequest(pUrl,$list(tMapEntry,5))
                     If $$$ISERR(tSC) Quit
                     #; Got a match, marshall the arguments can call directly
                     If tMatcher.GroupCount {
                         For tI=1:1:tMatcher.GroupCount Set tArgs(tI)=tMatcher.Group(tI)
                         Set tArgs=tI
                     else {
                         Set tArgs=0
                     #; Check for optional ClassName prefix
                     Set tClass=$classname()
                     If tTarget[":" Set tClass=$Piece(tTarget,":"),tTarget=$Piece(tTarget,":",2)
                     #; Dispatch
                     Set tSC=$zobjclassmethod(tClass,tTarget,tArgs...)
                 else {
                     #; We are a map, massage the URL and forward the request
                     Set tMatchUrl=$piece(tMatchUrl,tMatcher.Group(1),"2",*),tForward=$ListGet(tMapEntry,3)
                     Set (tResourceMatched,tMethodMatched)=1
                     #; Dispatch with modified URL
                     Set tSC=$zobjclassmethod(tForward,"DispatchRequest",tMatchUrl,pMethod,1)
                 If $$$ISERR(tSC) Quit
                 #; Don't want multiple matches
        #; Didn't have permission for the resource required by this enpoint; return 401 - DLH
        If tSecurityResourceMatched = 0 Set tSC=..ReportHttpStatusCode(..#HTTP401UNAUTHORIZED) Quit
        #; Didn't have a match for the resource, report not found
        If tResourceMatched=0 Set tSC=..ReportHttpStatusCode(..#HTTP404NOTFOUND) Quit
        #; Had a match for resource but method not matched
        If tMethodMatched=0 {
            Set tSC=..SupportedVerbs(tMatchUrl,.tSupportedVerbs)
            If $$$ISERR(tSC) Quit
            Set tSC=..Http405(tSupportedVerbs) Quit
    Catch (e) {
        Set tSC=e.AsStatus()
    Quit tSC
} }

As for telling whether it's a production or test system, you might want to consider $SYSTEM.Version.SystemMode(). Calling that function with no argument will return the current system mode, which can be DEVELOPMENT, LIVE, TEST, or FAILOVER. It's usually set in the System Management Portal, but you can also call that function passing any of those strings are an argument to set it programmatically.

Assuming that's a typo and the last one is supposed to be Class BZ.Test3, this is all correct and as expected. Since it extends Test2, Test3's onloadHandler function is identical to Test2's onloadHandler, which runs its superclass's onloadHandler and prints test2. Since its superclass is Test2, it's superclass's onloadHandler is also running its onloadHandler, then printing test2. Since Test2's superclass is Test1, Test2 is running its superclass's onloadHandler, printing test1.

Remember, removing the onloadHandler method from Test3 doesn't mean that it doesn't have an onloadHandler; it just means its onloadHandler is the same as the one in its superclass, Test2.

Have you checked the timeout on the web application?

See this FAQ and look for the question "I closed my CSP session, but Caché still reports that I am using a license. Why?" I don't know much about your specific application, but that may be what you're running into. CSP sessions have a grace period that, frankly, doesn't make much sense at all. That FAQ explains how long the CSP session grace period lasts, and the question after that is about how to set the timeout for your web applications. Doing so appropriately will minimize the grace period.

FYI, the reason this is so difficult is because an XLSX file is actually a ZIP archive with a bunch of XML files in it. You'd actually have to save the file as a .ZIP, extract it, navigate to the XML files for the worksheets (on the current version, that's inside the archive in \xl\worksheets, but that's changed between versions if I remember correctly) then parse the data out of the XML file and write it to your CSV file. That's why there are all these third-party tools people are recommending to handle this issue.

Phil, I'm not sure about VS Code, but you can do this in studio by creating a new CSP page with the following contents:

<csp:StudioSimpleTemplate name="CustomCommentHead" type="CLS" mode="new">
/// Organization:
/// Version 1.0
/// Author/Co-author:
/// Project: 
/// Date: 
/// Description: 
/// Change Log:
/// Notes:

Then save and compile that file. It doesn't matter where. Then when you click File, New, Custom, you'll see your CustomCommentHead template. If you choose it, you'll get a .cls file with those lines already inserted.