go to post David Hockenbroch · Sep 29, 2023 The argument for $LISTGET has to be a list, so it would have to be $LISTGET(LIST(a)).
go to post David Hockenbroch · Sep 29, 2023 Where you have your query defined, does it work if you change the definition to include the SELECTMODE as RUNTIME? Query GetAddressQuery() As %SQLQuery(ROWSPEC = "Address",SELECTMODE = "RUNTIME") [ SqlProc ]
go to post David Hockenbroch · Sep 22, 2023 Just to clarify, Tony, I'm not looking for a notification that a failover has occurred. I'm looking for a notification that the async mirror has gone offline.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Sep 14, 2023 What browsers are you using to do this? Many have restricted the use of window.close to only work on windows that were also opened by javascript using window.open.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Sep 13, 2023 Do so at your own risk, but if you use _PUBLIC as the role/user argument, then all users will have the granted permissions as soon as they are created.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Sep 13, 2023 Try: &js<zenPage.CloseAndRefresh();> At the end of your %OnSubmit method.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Sep 6, 2023 As for telling whether it's a production or test system, you might want to consider $SYSTEM.Version.SystemMode(). Calling that function with no argument will return the current system mode, which can be DEVELOPMENT, LIVE, TEST, or FAILOVER. It's usually set in the System Management Portal, but you can also call that function passing any of those strings are an argument to set it programmatically.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Aug 31, 2023 Assuming that's a typo and the last one is supposed to be Class BZ.Test3, this is all correct and as expected. Since it extends Test2, Test3's onloadHandler function is identical to Test2's onloadHandler, which runs its superclass's onloadHandler and prints test2. Since its superclass is Test2, it's superclass's onloadHandler is also running its onloadHandler, then printing test2. Since Test2's superclass is Test1, Test2 is running its superclass's onloadHandler, printing test1. Remember, removing the onloadHandler method from Test3 doesn't mean that it doesn't have an onloadHandler; it just means its onloadHandler is the same as the one in its superclass, Test2.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Aug 31, 2023 Have you checked the timeout on the web application? See this FAQ and look for the question "I closed my CSP session, but Caché still reports that I am using a license. Why?" I don't know much about your specific application, but that may be what you're running into. CSP sessions have a grace period that, frankly, doesn't make much sense at all. That FAQ explains how long the CSP session grace period lasts, and the question after that is about how to set the timeout for your web applications. Doing so appropriately will minimize the grace period.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Aug 29, 2023 FYI, the reason this is so difficult is because an XLSX file is actually a ZIP archive with a bunch of XML files in it. You'd actually have to save the file as a .ZIP, extract it, navigate to the XML files for the worksheets (on the current version, that's inside the archive in \xl\worksheets, but that's changed between versions if I remember correctly) then parse the data out of the XML file and write it to your CSV file. That's why there are all these third-party tools people are recommending to handle this issue.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Aug 4, 2023 What was the query you were trying to run? This looks like an issue with the way the query was written.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Aug 4, 2023 This, or if SecondMethod returns a value of some sort, you'd want to: Method "this_MainMethod"() { set somevalue = ..SecondMethod() } Method SecondMethod() { // ... }
go to post David Hockenbroch · Aug 2, 2023 Just out of curiosity, what's the wireless charging mouse pad? All of the other prizes have a specific brand and model listed, but not that one.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Aug 1, 2023 I'll second this! I'm not an Apple person either. I really like my Samsung Galaxy watch. For Android users, that may be a good alternative to an Apple watch.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Jul 28, 2023 Phil, I'm not sure about VS Code, but you can do this in studio by creating a new CSP page with the following contents: <csp:StudioSimpleTemplate name="CustomCommentHead" type="CLS" mode="new"> /// Organization: /// Version 1.0 /// Author/Co-author: /// Project: /// Date: /// Description: /// Change Log: /// Notes: Then save and compile that file. It doesn't matter where. Then when you click File, New, Custom, you'll see your CustomCommentHead template. If you choose it, you'll get a .cls file with those lines already inserted.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Jul 25, 2023 Does the user you're using to access the API have proper permissions to use the API and the tables that it accesses?
go to post David Hockenbroch · Jul 18, 2023 It looks to me like you might want to use %DynamicObject instead of %DynamicAbstractObject. %DynamicAbstractObject doesn't have a %Get method.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Jul 11, 2023 Here is the documentation for that class. Please note that it is deprecated, however. What error are you getting?
go to post David Hockenbroch · Jun 29, 2023 I've used it with Cache 2018, but not as far back as 2016. You'll have to manually add the driver to DBeaver first to try it. To do that, first get a copy of the JDBC driver, which should be in the installation directory for your Cache instance. Look for a folder called dev, then java, then lib, then JDK17 or JDK18 depending on which version of Java is installed on your machine, then there should be a jar file with a name like cache-jdbc-x.y.z.jar. Copy that somewhere easy to get to. In DBeaver, click on the Database menu, then Driver Manager. Click New. Give the driver a name like Cache 2016 or something you'll recognize. Under driver files, click Add File and choose that .jar file. The class name for the driver should be com.intersys.jdbc.CacheDriver. In the sample URL field put a URL that would connect to your Cache instance, which would look like jdbc:Cache//(server):(port)/(namespace). Click on Test Driver to verify. If it works, click OK. Now when you go to Database, New Connection, you should see that driver listed as an option.