go to post David Hockenbroch · May 27, 2022 If you're encoding your data before sending it, you have to specify how it was encoded in a content encoding header so that the server you're sending data to knows how to decode it. I think it's more likely, though, that it's an issue with your content type. Where you're setting it to "text/plain", if it's supposed to be json, you might try setting it to "application/json" instead.
go to post David Hockenbroch · May 18, 2022 If the file isn't accessible to link to directly, you may want to look into extending the %CSP.StreamServer class and linking to that. At a bare minimum, you'll want to override the OnPage and OnPreHTTP methods: ClassMethod OnPage() As %Status{set myfile = ##class(%File).%New("/path/to/file")do myfile.Open("S")do myfile.OutputToDevice()quit $$$OK} ClassMethod OnPreHTTP() As %Boolean [ Language = cache ]{do %response.SetHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment;filename=""filename""")quit 1} Of course using your own file name and the path to the file. That's the local computer file path, not a URL. You also should set the content type appropriately using set %response.ContentType = "text/csv" or whatever the MIME type of the file is so that the browser can identify it correctly. Unless you want to have to write another %CSP.StreamServer for every file, you'll have to pass the name of the filepath as an argument. So that would look more like: ClassMethod OnPage() As %Status{set myfile = ##class(%File).%New(%request.Get("filepath"))do myfile.Open("S")do myfile.OutputToDevice()quit $$$OK} ClassMethod OnPreHTTP() As %Boolean [ Language = cache ]{set filepath = %request.Get("filepath")set %response.ContentType = "text/csv" //or whatever the appropriate MIME type isdo %response.SetHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment;filename="""_$P(filepath,"/",*)_"""")quit 1} Then you could link to it as whatever the path to your stream server is with ?filepath=/path/to/file on the end. If you take that approach, though, do some validation on the filepath and make sure it can ONLY go to the folder you want! Or, only pass the filename as a parameter to the page, and hard-code the folder in those methods.
go to post David Hockenbroch · May 18, 2022 It looks like in your curl you have the Accept header as */*, but in your HttpRequest object, you're setting it to "application/json". Does that make a difference?
go to post David Hockenbroch · May 9, 2022 Are you just trying to get the json contained in a character stream into a string a vice versa? If so, just read and write to and from the stream: set json = "" while 'stream.AtEnd { set json = json_stream.Read() } That should get you the contents of the stream into a string. do stream.Write(json) That should write the json to a stream. Or is that not what you're trying to do?
go to post David Hockenbroch · Apr 27, 2022 There isn't a hard limit on the number of tasks, but you may run into licensing issues. As you set them up, you choose the user they run as, so if that user has too many connections going at once, or if they're run as more different users than you have licenses for, there could be an issue.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Apr 1, 2022 Once you know the pid, try: set process = ##class(%SYS.ProcessQuery).%OpenId(pid) Then check process.Routine, or process.CurrentLineAndRoutine.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Feb 18, 2022 Here's how I've been doing this: //Read in content from the HttpRequest set req = %request.Content.Read() //Convert content from JSON to a dynamic object set reqObj = {}.%FromJSON(req) //Access data from within the new dynamic object set userName = reqObj.%Get("UserName")
go to post David Hockenbroch · Feb 8, 2022 Why not do this? set rset1 = ##class(%ResultSet).%New() set query = "Select statment" set sc = rset1.Prepare(query) set:+sc sc = rset1.Execute(parm1, parm2) set ^sql = query
go to post David Hockenbroch · Feb 7, 2022 Have you checked the security settings for the user you're logging in as? You should have %Developer and %DB_USER, I think. Or if you have %All, that works too.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Jan 7, 2022 This is a long shot, but is the ODBC connection defined in User DSN or System DSN? We had an issue after a recent round of Windows updates where Excel suddenly wasn't always correctly seeing the System DSN connection, and setting it up under User DSN instead resolved that issue.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Jan 7, 2022 Here is some useful documentation. You're going to want to make a class that extends %CSP.REST and set up an application that uses that class as its dispatch class. You'll have a URL map in that class to tell IRIS or Cache what to do with the request. Depending on your specific application, you might also want to get familiar with using %request and %response in that process.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Dec 22, 2021 If you're using the IRIS ODBC driver, try switching to the IRIS ODBC35 driver. This kind of error may mean that the application is expecting the driver to do some ODBC 3.x stuff that the older driver might not be capable of.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Dec 22, 2021 The ones in italics are the ones that are a part of your current project. If you click on the Project tab, they'll show up there too.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Dec 1, 2021 ..Adapter.SSLConfig should get you the name of the SSL Configuration that the adapter is using. The property of the %Net.HttpRequest is called SSLConfiguration. So it should be: set httpRequest.SSLConfiguration = ..Adapter.SSLConfig
go to post David Hockenbroch · Nov 29, 2021 You can use $ZSTRIP for this, in your case: $ZSTRIP("Happy new year ","<>W")
go to post David Hockenbroch · Nov 17, 2021 You're exactly right; by default, the contents of the dataCombo are empty until the user clicks on it, then the query gets executed. If you set the cached property of the dataCombo to 1, it'll load as soon as the page loads instead.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Nov 16, 2021 Rochdi, when you say you've figured out how to save it to C:\Temp\filename.csv, are you saying you have it saved on the client, or on the server? If it's saving the file on the server, you can create a class that extends %CSP.StreamServer, then override the OnPreHTTP and OnPage class methods like this for simple text files: Class fileserver Extends %CSP.StreamServer { ClassMethod OnPreHTTP() As %Boolean { do %response.SetHeader("Content-Type","text/csv") do %response.SetHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment;filename=""myfile.csv""") quit 1 } ClassMethod OnPage() As %Status { set file = ##class(%File).%New("/path/to/file.csv") do file.Open("R") while file.AtEnd '= 1{ write file.ReadLine(),! } quit $$$OK } } and then just link to it that page to download. Once you get to things that aren't plain text, it gets a little more complicated, but this should work for a simple csv.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Nov 5, 2021 Your result set should be an EnsLib.SQL.GatewayResultSet, which has a method called GetSnapshot(). That method has you pass a EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot by reference. You're probably going to want to set the FetchAll parameter on the GetSnapshot() method to 1 so it gets all the results, but you can also create your EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot before using GetSnapshot() and set it's starting row and max rows if you'd like. Then you can iterate over the snapshot instead of the result set. Once you've gone through it once, you could either create a new snapshot by calling the GetSnapshot() method again, or you can use the snapshot's Rewind() method.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Nov 4, 2021 According to this page, if it's something that still in development, you can use the CleanProduction() method to clear the message queues. Using it in a live system isn't recommended because it clears out everything pretty indiscriminately, but it's useful for debugging. Productions get the suspend status when after shutting down there are still synchronous messages that could not be processed.
go to post David Hockenbroch · Nov 2, 2021 You'll need the resource %Admin_Task to use task manager functions. Once you have access to it, set up a class that extends %SYS.Task.Definition and override the OnTask() method. Then you can set it up in the task scheduler and it'll run the OnTask() method according to whatever schedule you set.