
I'm trying to install a ZPM package in my 2018 cache to use swagger-ui in my api-rest, but when I execute command line:
Do $System.OBJ.Load("/mypath/zpm.xml","ck")

I receive this error message:

ERRO #6301: Erro no Parser XML SAX: Linha: 2 Deslocamento: 39 Este arquivo não parece ter sido exportado pelo Caché, não é possível importá-lo.
ELEMENTO DE ORIGEM: %ZEN.Component.html (htmlContent)

I'm trying to install the version: zpm-0.5.1

Can anyone help me?

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I am making a request to an API and JSON is coming as follows:

SET %httprequest = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
DO %httprequest.Get(URL)
SET %responseBody = %httprequest.HttpResponse.Data.Read()

W %responseBody
{produto:"CHP0001",Local:{IDMV: "000000001",LOTE: "",DtFabric: "null",DtVenc: "null",Atributo06: "0000000002",Atributo07: "",QtdeDisp: "10.00000",QtdeAloc: "0.00000",QtdeSep: "0.00000",QtdeTotal: "10.00000",Status: "OK",Motivo: ""}}

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· Jul 24, 2020
Examples of trigger

Hello people!

I am Brazilian and I am starting to work with the latest version of CACHE, and I would like to know where I can see an example of a TRIGGER, I would like to validate the fields before writing the actual data in the database.

in advance, thank you very much! and sorry for any mistake in concordance in english

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