go to post Scott Roth · Mar 26 tar(1) - Linux manual page (man7.org) It is suggested that using tar, you use the -cZf tar -cZf <filename>.zip files.....
go to post Scott Roth · Mar 18 May 2023 we moved from AIX to RHEL, that was a sad day as we are finding a lot of quirks when it comes to our RHEL environment. We went from Physical Hardware to VM, and found that the VM environment wasn't as thought out like we wanted. Our VM Hosts were not organized, and we have had 3 unexpected downtimes since because of resource contention. May want to look at other Linux OS's outside of RHEL if you can, as the updates/patches aren't as dynamic as they were in our old environment meaning we didn't have to reboot too often. If we had the choice, we would of went with Ubuntu or SUSE as at least the updates/patches don't require reboots as often. Now we get notified at the drop of a hat when there is a patch, that security needs us to reboot. You just can't take it down at a moment's notice. Just thoughts, and pain points. Each environment is different and hopefully you don't run into as many issues as we have.
go to post Scott Roth · Mar 18 It all depends on your learning style. For me I rather learn as I am building so it was trial by fire as we were migrating from SeeBeyond eGate to InterSystems Ensemble (2014.1) at the time by a certain deadline. I learned a lot on the fly by reading the Developer Community posts, reaching out as needed, and just playing around with the code as I was building it. I also had my company by Cache Objectscript and MUMPS, at least so I can search for a Reference when figuring out syntax. The Learning site as a lot of good and informational courses you can take as well.
go to post Scott Roth · Mar 13 If I remember correctly, I had to make HSLIB read/write and then I was able to update %SYS when we used ZAUTHENTICATE.mac. We have since moved to using LDAP.
go to post Scott Roth · Mar 12 This has been documented with WRC, and there is a development ticket pending DP-415930. But I also recently created an Idea to make the Interface Maps Utility more of an On Demand option so Maps that don't involve many layers of Business Process (BPL) to run. Make Interface Maps more OnDemand | InterSystems Ideas
go to post Scott Roth · Mar 4 I have used HANG in a code block before to put in a pause between messages when we have two Business Processes sending MFN messages to Epic to update the same Provider record. I suppose you could write a Custom Ens.Function to do the same within a Rule if you want, or you could route the messages through a Business Process to put the pause in.
go to post Scott Roth · Mar 4 IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86-64) 2022.1.4 (Build 812_0_22913U) Thu Dec 7 2023 17:06:30 EST [HealthConnect:3.5.0-1.m1] [HealthConnect:3.5.0-1.m1]
go to post Scott Roth · Mar 4 Another question about using %ZSTART, while I have the process that works if I stop and start IRIS, I just performed an upgrade and noticed after the upgrade when IRIS came back up it did not start like it should. If I stopped and started, IRIS afterwords it did start like it should. Anyone know why %ZSTART would not start after an Upgrade?
go to post Scott Roth · Feb 22 If using JDBC you can use a JDBC SQL Software like DBeaver or Squirrel SQL. DBeaver officially supports InterSystems IRIS | InterSystems DeveloperHow to create a database connection in DBeaver - DBeaver
go to post Scott Roth · Feb 22 With some help we created a function to loop through a repeating field and verify values against a single string, and a variation against a Lookup Table... ClassMethod DoesSingleValueExistRepeatingSegmentFields(pHL7Msg As EnsLib.HL7.Message, pSegment As %String, pField As %String, pSubField As %String, pInputValue As %String) As %Boolean { #dim tSeg as EnsLib.HL7.Segment set tSegCount = pHL7Msg.SegCountGet() set i = 1 set j = 1 Set tFound = 0 //get new values set tval="" while ((i <= tSegCount) && (tval="")) { set tSeg = pHL7Msg.GetSegmentAt(i) if (tSeg.Name = pSegment) { set pField2 = pField_"(*)" set tRepCount = tSeg.GetValueAt(pField2) while ((j <= tRepCount) && (tval="")) { set tID = tSeg.GetValueAt(pField_"("_j_")"_"."_pSubField) if (pInputValue = tID) { set tval = 1 } set j = j + 1 } } set i = i + 1 } if (tval '= "") { Q 1 } quit 0 }
go to post Scott Roth · Feb 16 I just ran through several scenarios of testing the change to Ens.Configuration("Queues","KeepInQueues")=1, but when IRIS was restarted the messages were placed back in the Ens.Suspended queue.
go to post Scott Roth · Feb 15 How do I configure Apache/Web Gateway to allow this connection to happen?
go to post Scott Roth · Feb 2 I am wondering if the Query against LDAP is taking too long and timing out in a response, even though he is getting an Invalid Username/password error returned but this happens when he tries to sign in from VS Code using /api/atelier. I tried increasing the timeout, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. I tried adjusting the Base DN search, and the Nested Group search to no avail.
go to post Scott Roth · Jan 30 John, if we have multiple authentication methods turned on for /api/Atelier could this also cause Unauthenticated tries against /api/Atelier? trying to track down login issues and I am seeing this...
go to post Scott Roth · Jan 23 No doubt I will do a full backup prior to the changes. But thanks just wanted to confirm. I know not all the settings are mirrored, which I have asked for some of the settings to be so we can keep the servers in sync.
go to post Scott Roth · Jan 23 I have no intention of replacing the Cache users with LDAP. It is for everyone else...Password Authentication regardless of what Auditing says will always need to be available for "Emergency" purposes.
go to post Scott Roth · Jan 22 Thanks I got it running, but I am not sure what to do next. When I try to access HealthShare within the Management Portal, it is telling me the Service is Unavailable. I want to be able to see what the System can do.
go to post Scott Roth · Jan 22 The Responses from the Stored Procedure calls back to the Operation look correct, and yes if there was an error it should of shown up.
go to post Scott Roth · Jan 19 Is there a template to use for ZSTART or should I just grab the code from the Documentation?