Do you have to use Result Set, why not use EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot as a context variable, and using a While loop call the Snapshot.Next() to loop through the results to do what you need to do?

For example.... I make calls to a Stored Procedure then use the Snapshot that is returned to fill in other properties that I need...

<call name='Ref_PrivilegeForm' target='CREDVerityMFNCPDWriteDev' async='0' xpos='200' ypos='350' >

<annotation><![CDATA[Execute stored procedure to insert/update the PrivilegeForm value sent by Verity into the Ref_PrivilegeForm table, and return the identity key]]></annotation>

<request type='osuwmc.Credentialing.DataStructures.RefPrivilegeForm' >

<assign property="callrequest" value="context.RefPrivilegeForm" action="set" />


<response type='EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot' >

<assign property="context.Snapshot" value="callresponse" action="set" />



<while name='Snapshot.Next()' condition='context.Snapshot.Next()' xpos='200' ypos='450' xend='200' yend='350' >

<assign name="PrivilegeFormKey" property="context.PrivilegeFormKey" value="context.Snapshot.Get(&quot;PrivilegeFormKey&quot;)" action="set" xpos='200' ypos='250' >

<annotation><![CDATA[aka Index]]></annotation>



<assign name="reset Snapshot" property="context.Snapshot" value="&quot;&quot;" action="set" xpos='200' ypos='550' />


I have no issues with VSCode, its just the one user. The issue with the user I believe is with LDAP not InterSystems as the same error happens when trying to sign into the Management Portal, periodically. 

Does /api/atelier need to have unauthenticated turned on? Why am I seeing the 

ERROR #815: User not authorized for service %Service_WebGateway
Web Application: /api/atelier

I don't want Unauthenticated users to access the system or be able to get through the Web Gateway at all...

Yes I am attempting to connect to Epic Interconnect using OAuth 2.0. I created an internal backend application on vendor services and supplied it with a public key I had generated from our IRIS server. 

I just haven’t found the right sequence of code or syntax for the request to happen yet. I’m working with WRC but since Epic suggested using JWT and our systems team doesn’t have a jwks setup it’s been kind of a hard thing to figure out. 

I was able to get past the ERROR #5659: Property 'OAuth2.AccessToken::SessionId(6@OAuth2.AccessToken,ID=)' required by specifying an ID at the end of the request...

%SYS>set url = ##class(%SYS.OAuth2.Authorization).GetAuthorizationCodeEndpoint("EpicFHIRPOC",scope,OAUTHURL,.properties,.isAuthorized,.sc,,123)

so the sc returns 1, however isAuthorized is still returning 0. If I run IsAuthorized, I am not seeing any errors.

Am I taking the correct steps? How do I get the Token?

How did you configure the web gateway to do this?

Each web gateway is configured to talk to the local Health Connect instance, irrespective of it being primary, secondary or DR at any time.

So, when have to access the primary, we go via the VIP URL -> the request lands on the IIS for the primary instance and that is passed on to the local Health Connect instance.