How did you configure the web gateway to do this?

Each web gateway is configured to talk to the local Health Connect instance, irrespective of it being primary, secondary or DR at any time.

So, when have to access the primary, we go via the VIP URL -> the request lands on the IIS for the primary instance and that is passed on to the local Health Connect instance.

It is something with the password that is setup during the Install process vs the password that is on the user. I installed IRIS with setting the password as a default, verified that I could get into the Web Gateway Management, but as soon as I changed the password through the Security within the Management portal, I could no longer get into the Web Gateway Management.

So do I have to modify the CSP.ini somehow to tell it to use the LOCAL password, vs the SYSTEM password?

While thinking about this, I am wondering if using an encryption key might be a possible solution as well that way there is limited access to the password, and the key would just have to be regulated to be updated every so often. With using a AD service account, the password still needs to be updated or kept up to date, and still needs to be passed into the shell script for Terminal to open.

I have submitted the following IDEA...

I rewrote my Response class, however now it is returning that it is successful, but does not display it in the trace viewer. Am I missing something in my Response class?

Class User.REST.Epic.Msg.GetPatientLocationResponse Extends (%Persistent, Ens.Response, %JSON.Adaptor, %XML.Adaptor)


Parameter XMLNAME = "Patient.GetPatientLocationByVisit2";
Parameter XMLSEQUENCE = 1;
Parameter XMLTYPE = "Patient.GetPatientLocationByVisit2";
Property LastName As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "LastName", XMLNAME = "LastName");
Property FirstName As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "FirstName", XMLNAME = "FirstName");
Property MiddleName As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "MiddleName");
Property Sex As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "Sex");
Property DateOfBirth As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "DateOfBirth");
Property PatientClass As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "PatientClass");
Property EncounterDate As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "EncounterDate");
Property ChargeSlipNumber As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "ChargeSlipNumber");
Property DepartmentIDs As User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfIDType(%JSONFIELDNAME = "DepartmentIDs", %JSONINCLUDE = "INPUTONLY");
Property FacilityIDs As User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfIDType(%JSONFIELDNAME = "FacilityIDs", %JSONINCLUDE = "INPUTONLY");
Property HospitalAccountIDs As User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfIDType(%JSONFIELDNAME = "HospitalAccountIDs", %JSONINCLUDE = "INPUTONLY");
Property PatientPhoneNumbers As User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfPhone(%JSONFIELDNAME = "PatientPhoneNumbers", %JSONINCLUDE = "INPUTONLY");
Property AttendingPhysician As User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfAttendingPhysician(%JSONINCLUDE = "INPUTONLY");
Property CareTeamPCPs As User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfCareTeamPCP(%JSONINCLUDE = "INPUTONLY");
Property AppointmentSchedules As User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfScheduleProviderReturn(%JSONFIELDNAME = "AppointmentSchedules", %JSONINCLUDE = "INPUTONLY");
Storage Default
<Data name="GetPatientLocationResponseDefaultData">
<Value name="1">
<Value name="2">
<Value name="3">
<Value name="4">
<Value name="5">
<Value name="6">
<Value name="7">
<Value name="8">
<Value name="9">
<Value name="10">
<Value name="11">
<Value name="12">
<Value name="13">
<Value name="14">
<Value name="15">


I have been attempting to try to use ZMIRROR ( to execute certain scripting when $$NotifyBecomePrimary is kicked off, however it is still a work in progress.

You should be able to call an external script or something to notify you in some fashion that you developed. In our case we have several different notifications available to use via Shell or Perl that could notify us.

I updated my User.REST.Epic.Msg.GetPatientLocationResponse that points to User.REST.Epic.dt.Response with the order in which fields are being returned in the JSON that I saw using postman. However now I am receiving...

ERROR #9404: Unexpected field in input, LastName, using class base mapping.

Method GetPatientLocationVisit2(pRequest As User.REST.Epic.Msg.GetPatientLocationRequest, Output pResponse As User.REST.Epic.Msg.GetPatientLocationResponse) As %Status

  #dim tSC As %Status = $$$OK
  set tHTTPRequest = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
  set tHTTPRequest.SSLConfiguration = ..Adapter.SSLConfig
  set tHTTPRequest.Https = 1
  set tHTTPRequest.WriteRawMode = 1
  set tHTTPRequest.Port = ..Adapter.HTTPPort
  //Do tHTTPRequest.SetHeader("Authorization",..Adapter.Credentials)
  Do tHTTPRequest.SetHeader("Host",..Adapter.HTTPServer)
  Do tHTTPRequest.SetHeader("Accept-Encoding","application/json")
  Do tHTTPRequest.SetHeader("Content-Type","application/json")
  Do tHTTPRequest.SetHeader("Epic-Client-ID",..EpicClientID)
  Do tHTTPRequest.EntityBody.Write()
  do tHTTPRequest.OutputHeaders()
  set tRequest = ##class(%DynamicObject).%New()
  set tRequest.PatientID = pRequest.PatientID
  set tRequest.PatientIDType = pRequest.PatientIDType
  set tRequest.ContactID = pRequest.ContactID
  set tRequest.ContactIDType = pRequest.ContactIDType
  set tRequest.UserID = pRequest.UserID
  set tRequest.UserIDType = pRequest.UserIDType
  set tPayload = tRequest.%ToJSON()

  set tURL= ..Adapter.URL_"/2014/Access/Patient/GETPATIENTLOCATIONBYVISIT2/Visit/Location2"  //..Adapter.URL
  SET tSC = tHTTPRequest.EntityBody.Write(tPayload)
  set tHTTPResponse = ##class(%Net.HttpResponse).%New()
  set tSC = ..Adapter.SendFormDataArray(.tHTTPResponse,"POST",tHTTPRequest,,,tURL)
  set pResponse = ##class(User.REST.Epic.Msg.GetPatientLocationResponse).%New()
  set tSC = pResponse.%JSONImport(tHTTPResponse.Data)
  quit tSC
Class User.REST.Epic.Msg.GetPatientLocationResponse Extends (Ens.Response, %JSON.Adaptor)
Property Results As list Of User.REST.Epic.dt.Response;
Storage Default
<Data name="GetPatientLocationResponseDefaultData">
<Value name="1">
Class User.REST.Epic.dt.Response Extends (%SerialObject, %XML.Adaptor, %JSON.Adaptor)

Property LastName As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "LastName", MAXLEN = "");
Property FirstName As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "FirstName", MAXLEN = "");
Property MiddleName As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "MiddleName", MAXLEN = "");
Property Sex As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "Sex", MAXLEN = "");
Property DateOfBirth As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "DateOfBirth", MAXLEN = "");
Property PatientClass As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "PatientClass", MAXLEN = "");
Property EncounterDate As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "EncounterDate", MAXLEN = "");
Property HospitalService As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "HospitalService", MAXLEN = "");
Property ChargeSlipNumber As list Of %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "ChargeSlipNumber", MAXLEN = "");
Property DepartmentIDs As list Of User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfIDType(%JSONFIELDNAME = "DepartmentIDs");
Property FacilityIDs As list Of User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfIDType(%JSONFIELDNAME = "FacilityIDs");
Property HospitalAccountIDs As list Of User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfIDType(%JSONFIELDNAME = "HospitalAccountIDs");
Property PatientPhoneNumbers As list Of User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfPhone(%JSONFIELDNAME = "PatientPhoneNumbers");
Property AttendingPhysicians As list Of User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfAttendingPhysician(%JSONFIELDNAME = "AttendingPhysicians");
Property ProviderTeams As list Of User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfProviderTeam(%JSONFIELDNAME = "ProviderTeams");
Property CareTeamPCPs As list Of User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfCareTeamPCP(%JSONFIELDNAME = "CareTeamPCPs");
Property AppointmentSchedules As list Of User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfScheduleProviderReturn(%JSONFIELDNAME = "AppointmentSchedules");
Storage Default
<Data name="ResponseState">
<Value name="1">
<Value name="2">
<Value name="3">
<Value name="4">
<Value name="5">
<Value name="6">
<Value name="7">
<Value name="8">
<Value name="9">
<Value name="10">
<Value name="11">
<Value name="12">
<Value name="13">
<Value name="14">
<Value name="15">
<Value name="16">
<Value name="17">


it seems the Test LDAP is failing on... the search for SamAccountName, as search AD user of ensemble.Services is showing authenticated and my Base DN for the user search passed.

Search user ensemble.Services,DC=OSUMC,DC=EDU authenticated
Searching for user roth16, using SamAccountName=roth16
SearchExts error: 1 - Operations error
Test completed

The BaseDN and the Nested Group Search BaseDN is the same that I used in my ZAUTHENTICATE. I shouldn't have to remove the ZAUTHENTICATE for the Test LDAP to run should I?

Well found that my Certificate had expired, so I replaced the certificate with one that I had gotten created for something else I was working on. But it is still not working through the LDAP Test or when I attempt to sign on with my AD account...

Using Test LDAP Authentication I am receiving... SearchExts error: 1 - Operations error

When I attempt to sign into the port with my AD account I am getting the following...

Error message: ERROR #798: Password login failed
ERROR #838: User roth16 does not exist
ERROR #798: LDAP login failed
ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <ILLEGAL VALUE>LDAPLogin+47^%SYS.LDAP
Web Application: /csp/sys
$I: |TCP|1972|2013912
$P: |TCP|1972|2013912

Since I moved from Delegated Sign on using ZAUTHENTICATE to LDAP do I need to remove my ZAUTHENTICATE? or does the LDAP functionality know not to use ZAUTHENTICATE?

When I attempted that...

ZAUTHENTICATE(ServiceName,Namespace,Username,Password,Credentials,Properties) PUBLIC {

#include %occErrors
#include %sySecurity
 //Make sure we have an error trap to handle unexpected errors
 s $ZT="Error"
 s Name=$zcvt(Username,"U")
 s Name=$p(Username,"@",1)
 s UserRecord=$g(^USERS(Name))
 i UserRecord="" q $SYSTEM.Status.Error($$$UserDoesNotExist,Username)
 d $System.Security.Users.ImpersonateUser()
 s $ZE="No ZAUTHENTICATE routine found" g Error
 q $SYSTEM.Status.OK()
Error //Handle any COS errors here
 s $zt=""
 q $SYSTEM.Status.Error(5002 /*$$$CacheError*/,$ze)
GetCredentials(ServiceName,Namespace,Username,Password,Credentials) Public {
#include %occErrors
#include %sySecurity
#include %sySite
#include %syLDAP
#include %occErrors    
    Quit $SYSTEM.Status.Error($$$GetCredentialsFailed)

#include %occErrors
#include %sySecurity
#include %sySite
#include %syLDAP
#include %occErrors
#define LDAPServer $Get(^OSUMCLDAP("Server"))
#define WindowsLDAPServer 1
#define WindowsCacheClient 0
#define UseSecureConnection 1
#define UnixCertificateFile ##class(%Library.File).ManagerDirectory()_"LDAPKeyStore/ProdAll.pem"
#define WindowsBaseDN "dc="_$Get(^OSUMCLDAP("Domain"))_",dc=edu"
#define WindowsFilter "sAMAccountname"
#define WindowsAttributeList $lb("displayName","department","mail")

 w !,"Initializing LDAP connection to "_$$$LDAPServer,!
 Read !,"Username: ",Username
 Read !,"Password: ",Password
 //Make sure we have an error trap to handle unexpected errors
 s $zt="Error"
 s Status = 0
 i Password="" {
         s Status = $SYSTEM.Status.Error($$$UserInvalidPassword)
        g Error

 i $$$WindowsLDAPServer{
    s AdminDN="CN="_$Get(^OSUMCLDAP("User"))_",OU=Authentication Accounts,DC="_$Get(^OSUMCLDAP("Domain"))_",DC=edu"
    s AdminPW=$Get(^OSUMCLDAP("Pass"))
 #;The following line sets up the internal LDAP structures. 
 i $$$ISWINDOWS,$$$UseSecureConnection {
    s LD=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Init($$$LDAPServer,$$$LDAPPORT)
 } else {
     s LD=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Init($$$LDAPServer)

 i LD=0 {
    s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetLastError()
    s Status="Init error: "_Status_" - "_##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Err2String(Status)
    g Error
 s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).SetOption(LD,$$$LDAPOPTXTLSCACERTFILE,$$$UnixCertificateFile)
 i Status'=$$$LDAPSUCCESS{
     s Status ="ldap_SetOption(Certificate) error: "_Status_" - "_##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Err2String(Status) 
     #;w Status,!
     g Error

I am getting the following error when I attempt to use my AD account...

Error message: ERROR #798: Delegated login failed
ERROR #1403: Routine ZAUTHENTICATE requires the following parameters: (ServiceName,Namespace,Username,Password,.Credentials,.Properties)

If I change Quit $SYSTEM.Status as OK instead of ERROR I get a SYSTEM UNAVAILABLE message.

The issue was that I was trying to call GetCredentials within the ZAUTHENTICATE{}, if I move GetCredentials outside of }, the Delegation Authentication no longer works and I get...

Event Data Error message: ERROR #798: Delegated login failed
ERROR #822: Access Denied
Web Application: /csp/sys
$I: |TCP|1972|1659953
$P: |TCP|1972|1659953

its sort of like...

ZAUTHENTICATE(ServiceName,Namespace,Username,Password,Credentials,Properties) PUBLIC {

#include %occErrors
#include %sySecurity
#include %sySite
#include %syLDAP
#include %occErrors....


GetCredentials(ServiceName,Namespace,Username,Password,Credentials) Public {

  // For console sessions, authenticate as _SYSTEM.
  If ServiceName="%Service_Console" {
    Set Username="_SYSTEM"
    Set Password="SYS"
    Quit $SYSTEM.Status.OK()

  // For a web application, authenticate as AdminUser.
  If $isobject($get(%request)) { 
    If %request.Application="/csp/samples/" {
      Set Username="AdminUser"
      Set Password="Test"
      Quit $System.Status.OK()


  // For bindings connections, use regular prompting.
  If ServiceName="%Service_Bindings" {
    Quit $SYSTEM.Status.Error($$$GetCredentialsFailed)
  }  // For all other connections, deny access.
  Quit $SYSTEM.Status.Error($$$AccessDenied)

When GetCredentials is called I want it to use the code in ZAUTHENTICATE, so what is the proper format or order that this needs to be done to make this happen...

Double check that the JDBC 12.2.0 driver has the appropriate permissions, and is still compatible with SQL 2005. It doesn't look like that driver is compatible anymore with 2005. 

Microsoft JDBC Driver Support Matrix

Might need to use the jTDS driver but it has it own flaws..jTDS Driver

You can try testing the connection via Terminal.. by getting the connection and using TestConnection() to see if it will give you a more verbose output or errors to variables.

Thanks for the suggestion. 

I was able to find the following error...

ERROR #9404: Unexpected field in input, LastName, using class base mapping.

It shouldn't matter the order in which the Object Class was defined would it?

as my Base class references another Class

class User.REST.Epic.Msg.GetPatientLocationResponse Extends (Ens.Response, %JSON.Adaptor)
Property Results As list Of User.REST.Epic.dt.Response;
Class User.REST.Epic.dt.Response Extends (%SerialObject, %XML.Adaptor, %JSON.Adaptor)
Property AppointmentSchedules As User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfScheduleProviderReturn(%JSONFIELDNAME = "AppointmentSchedules");
Property AttendingPhysicians As User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfAttendingPhysician(%JSONFIELDNAME = "AttendingPhysicians");
Property CareTeamPCPs As User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfCareTeamPCP(%JSONFIELDNAME = "CareTeamPCPs");
Property ChargeSlipNumber As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "ChargeSlipNumber", MAXLEN = "");
Property DateOfBirth As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "DateOfBirth", MAXLEN = "");
Property DepartmentIDs As User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfIDType(%JSONFIELDNAME = "DepartmentIDs");
Property EncounterDate As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "EncounterDate", MAXLEN = "");
Property FacilityIDs As User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfIDType(%JSONFIELDNAME = "FacilityIDs");
Property FirstName As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "FirstName", MAXLEN = "");
Property HospitalAccountIDs As User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfIDType(%JSONFIELDNAME = "HospitalAccountIDs");
Property HospitalService As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "HospitalService", MAXLEN = "");
Property LastName As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "LastName", MAXLEN = "");
Property MiddleName As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "MiddleName", MAXLEN = "");
Property PatientClass As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "PatientClass", MAXLEN = "");
Property PatientPhoneNumbers As User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfPhone(%JSONFIELDNAME = "PatientPhoneNumbers");
Property ProviderTeams As User.REST.Epic.dt.ArrayOfProviderTeam(%JSONFIELDNAME = "ProviderTeams");
Property Sex As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "Sex", MAXLEN = "");

and in User.REST.Epic.dt.Response definitely does not have LastName listed first, but in the JSON result I am seeing it listed as the first Property.
