go to post Scott Roth · Jul 9 Using the following within a Code action I got no errors... set tPatient = $CLASSMETHOD("HS.FHIRModel.R4.Patient","fromDao",tRawJSON) However as soon as I tried it within a Set action in the DTL I got errors... ERROR <Ens>ErrBPTerminated: Terminating BP TEST_FHIR_PATIENT_SEARCH # due to error: ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <UNDEFINED>%Construct+1 ^osuwmc.Demo.FHIRPlace.BPL.FHIRDataCollector.Context.1 *HS -- logged as '-'number - @'Set i%%Concurrency=$zu(115,10),i%%LastError=1,i%tPatient=HS.FHIRModel.R4.Patient'> ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <UNDEFINED>%Construct+1 ^osuwmc.Demo.FHIRPlace.BPL.FHIRDataCollector.Context.1 *HS -- logged as '-'number - @'Set i%%Concurrency=$zu(115,10),i%%LastError=1,i%tPatient=HS.FHIRModel.R4.Patient' if I go back to using the Code action, how can I guarantee that tPatient gets into the target?
go to post Scott Roth · Jul 8 Because Intersystems is already trying to parse the message and field as it determines which DocType the message falls under, I would say that there needs to be a Preprocess involved to remove the extra line break. Whether that needs to be a custom Inbound HL7 Business, or some other type of scripting that is up to you.
go to post Scott Roth · Jul 8 Other issues that we have noticed are.. Textual Search through Ctrl-F (Browser) no longer works. Search within Rule Editor does not highlight or take you to the code you are searching for. It is very difficult to Add any Rules, Expressions, Code, etc.. within the Application In Expression boxes, can’t copy/paste from other rules. In Send Command, it is very difficult to add the target. Not allowed to type, paste, and type ahead search does not work. Even highlighting the Target with your mouse does not automatically add it to the Target. Its automatically putting a “,” before the Target, even if you click the check box next to the Target. Can’t type ahead or paste translation within Translation Expression. You must scroll through the entire list; we have a lot of translations we have to now search through. I have sent this feedback to InterSystems.
go to post Scott Roth · Jul 5 From my testing in Postman, the JWT that is sent back has an "expires_in" included in the response. {"access_token":"...........","token_type":"bearer","expires_in":"3600"}
go to post Scott Roth · Jul 5 Thats what I thought, so since it is not how do I verify the token is expired? or should I just get a new token every time?
go to post Scott Roth · Jul 5 The Payload needs to have the username which is an email, and the password. POST /v2/login HTTP/1.1Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedContent-Length: 38 email=test%40test.com&password=test123
go to post Scott Roth · Jul 5 This is all relatively new to me, so please bear with me. Since I am getting a Token it's not the same as OAuth, correct? Nothing in the Vendors documentation says that it is OAuth, it just says..."Authentication method is a token-based approach". So, if that is the case, I can't use the %SYS.OAuth2.AccessToken methods to verify IsAuthorized, and GetAccessTokenClient correct?
go to post Scott Roth · Jul 3 Robert is correct, more detail is needed. However, as an example, we take HL7 messages and using specific structure classes to match stored procedures, we send calls to an EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter using JDBC to update, insert, and query MS SQL.
go to post Scott Roth · Jun 28 I don't seem to have HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.Bundle, where can I find it to install?
go to post Scott Roth · Jun 4 Yup, same here. I have %ALL access, and still not being able to modify the Target of SEND. I tried all different options that I could think of changing in the Web Applications, but no luck. I opened a ticket with WRC. While I like the IF, THEN look and it is better than WHEN.. if I have to disable for now, I will leave that up to the team tomorrow.
go to post Scott Roth · Jun 4 Yeah, I think I am going to lean that way too, there is something security wise that is preventing me from editing the Target, but the documentation doesn't share any details about what it could be. I left per what the document says. I tried CompileAllNamespaces() and different options but still it is inconsistent on if I can edit it or not.
go to post Scott Roth · May 29 I fixed the Client setup to ensure that the Info URL looks correct, however still nothing is showing up in the FSLog from the Testing I am doing using the Testing tool on the HS.FHIRServer.Interop.HTTPOperation.
go to post Scott Roth · May 29 I am not seeing any information in ISCLOG based on the Testing call that is being made
go to post Scott Roth · May 24 The table in Exists needs to have " " around it as it is still a string.
go to post Scott Roth · May 24 There is a Schema issue, it is not liking the way you're grouping several segments together which is resulting in the error.
go to post Scott Roth · May 16 I know this is not using OAuth, but OAuth is just the Authentication method. When I attempt to do something similar to search Patient for identifier=OSUMRN|xxxxx I keep getting a 404 not found error. Nothing is showing up within the ISCLOG under %SYS globals. Is there anyway I can see the trace of making the calls to verify that the correct API's are being called in the correct format? What is the magic chant to get the ISCLOG to capture the information?
go to post Scott Roth · May 14 _SYSTEM, Admin, SuperUser, CSPSystem, HS_Services (if you are running HealthShare), IAM (if you are running the API module), _Ensemble, and _PUBLIC are all predefined system accounts built within InterSystems. You define the password for these accounts during the install process. Installing | HealthShare Health Connect 2024.1 (intersystems.com) They already have the necessary roles assigned to them.