go to post Bob Kuszewski · Feb 24 When I do that exact same thing, I get different results. Have you pulled the latest version of the container? docker pull containers.intersystems.com/intersystems/iris:latest-preview ... docker inspect --format '{{ index .Config.Labels "com.intersystems.platform-version" }}' containers.intersystems.com/intersystems/iris:latest-preview 2025.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Aug 1, 2024 My apologies. The correct URL is https://community.intersystems.com/post/intersystems-reports-version-241...
go to post Bob Kuszewski · May 1, 2024 "Common KVM Processor" is a generic CPU name that some virtualization systems provide to client VMs. You can typically override this in your hypervisor to tell the client system the actual CPU type. Unfortunately, the term "Common KVM Processor" doesn't tell us anything about your CPU's capabilities.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Apr 12, 2024 The URL that you're generating is the one to the webgateway. Do you have the webgateway running on port 443 of the same IP address as your IRIS server?
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Mar 18, 2024 Are you pulling form a x86 or ARM machine? I've just pulled the image a dozen times from a number of networks without any problem from my x86-based machine. Which leaves it as either a problem with the ARM image, your network, or something on your machine (anti-virus system perhaps?)
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Feb 9, 2024 Oracle Linux is supported via the corresponding Red Hat kit. For example, install the Red Hat 8 kit on Oracle Linux 8.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Jan 26, 2024 It's possible to do, but it gets really tricky with the current version of IRIS and IKO. The networking piece alone is very complex. If you can, my advice is to wait for this to be added as an official feature of IRIS & IKO. The design that we've been working through involves making services in each cluster so that all the mirror members can see each other, which is a far simpler design than what you need to do today.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Jan 3, 2024 Sadly, IPM/ZPM is NOT (yet!) officially supported by InterSystems
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Dec 15, 2023 IAM is not available with IRIS Community Edition due to licensing constraints. However, Kong Community Edition works great with IRIS Community Edition. No licenses required for either one.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Dec 14, 2023 Just this morning I announced the start of an early access program for Flexible Python Runtime. Here's the link - https://community.intersystems.com/post/join-flexible-python-runtime-ear...
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Dec 7, 2023 If you're using Python with IRIS through the traditional client/server model - such as DB-API driver or the NativeAPI, you can update from the minimum Python version.If you're using embedded python (that is, Python running in-process with IRIS), then the version of Python you can use is tied to your OS and can't (yet) be upgraded. They're listed here. We are currently working on the ability to upgrade the Python runtime used by embedded python - expect to hear more about that soon.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Nov 28, 2023 Off the top of my head, I can think of customers running DataDog, Dynatrace, Splunk, and Cloud Watch. There are certainly others. Along with these big vendors, you might also want to consider SigNoz
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Nov 10, 2023 Ivy Bridge is the generation just before the cutoff, so you may need to upgrade your computer. We'll have more detailed information on the precise extensions require for 2024.1 when that's closer to release.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Nov 10, 2023 Your instincts are correct - IRIS will not install on unsupported processors and Apple silicon are ARM processors.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Oct 15, 2023 If you're using IRIS-first workflows for EP, then your Python language methods are journaled just like ObjectScript methods.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Oct 15, 2023 If you're using the various IRIS-first EP workflows (setting [language=python] on a method in a class or using Python for your stored procedures, etc), then the python code is stored along with the class. In that case, the python source is stored with your routines. Assuming you have them stored on your data server, then it'll work just as you'd expect. If you're using a Python-first workflow (create myapp.py and `import iris` from there), you'll need to stage your .py files on all the servers.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Oct 13, 2023 Embedded Python was added in IRIS 2022.1 and you're running 2021.1. Can you upgrade the remote server?
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Oct 3, 2023 There are two basic strategies: 1. Use the web gateway sidecar. This is my recommendation as it's the most straightforward. 2. Call the ObjectScript class that the metrics API uses directly from the shell. A real pain-in-the-neck, but it avoids having the sidecar.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Oct 2, 2023 Regarding the new topology.data.irisDatabases.seed field, the field is used to let you create databases that start with some starting data in them instead of the usual empty database. This is useful for applications that typically start with some basic information in them. Here's the link to the docs, if they help. https://docs.intersystems.com/components/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls...