go to post Bob Kuszewski · Sep 6, 2023 On AIX, the OpenSSL package that comes with AIX is structured differently than in other operating systems. The OpenSSL 3.x package comes with implementations of OpenSSL 1.0.2, 1.1.1, and 3.0. Sadly, the OpenSSL 3.0 implementation which is included in AIX 7.3 TL1 is missing a few features that are critical to correct operation with IRIS. So, currently versions of IRIS use the OpenSSL 1.0.2 implementation. IBM is readying their updated package with the fixes to the OpenSSL 3.0 implementation included.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Aug 11, 2023 There's a repo in the community showing various ways to use the webgateway container with the IRIS container. PR's accepted! https://github.com/intersystems-community/webgateway-examples
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Aug 9, 2023 IRIS_ML contains the IntegratedML feature and the IRIS kit does not. IntegratedML takes a few additional gigs of disk space, so we give you the choice of the kit you'd like. There's no difference in licensing.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Jul 26, 2023 1. Get the NextResult() resultset 2. Get the Metadata from the resultset
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Jul 12, 2023 The plan for new IRIS containers is to use YYYY.R format only. Let's walk through an example of a few releases for a hypothetical IRIS 2024.1 release. Release Old Tag New Tag Initial GA 2024. 2024.1 First maintenance 2024. 2024.1 Security Fix 2024. 2024.1 This new scheme greatly simplifies your work to keep up with whatever mix of maintenance and security releases we provide. All you need to do is reference iris:2024.1 and you'll pick up the latest bug and security fixes without making any changes to your code. As for the latest tag, we like the idea so much that we're giving you two. One that lets you get the latest release (iris:latest-cd) and one that lets you get the latest long-term-support release (iris:latest-em).
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Jun 9, 2023 Unfortunately, there are significant bugs in the OpenSSL 3 available for AIX 7.3 that make running IRIS (or any other high user of OpenSSL) impossible. We have a build in-house from IBM that has fixed the problems that should be available to the public later in the year.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Jun 5, 2023 Hi! IRIS containers - including Community Edition - is available from the containers.intersystems.com. The place to start is here. The CE containers are also available from dockerhub here.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · May 26, 2023 Excellent article! A note for people using Kubernetes or Containers in the cloud: This same advice applies for Kubernetes-based and containers-based deployments. When you create a Kubernetes cluster you assign VM resources (NodeGroups, for example) and you'll want to use the advice in this article to create the right nodes and storageclass for your deployment.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · May 18, 2023 If you choose to create your own container for C/E, you're responsible for the container and for how it interacts with the host operating system. For example, InterSystems can't give you assistance with creating your Dockerfile or debugging any problems you might have with the container-storage interface. We will, of course, continue to support your usage of C/E. For example, questions about monitoring your queues or creating business operations. If you have detailed questions, please reach out to me.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · May 12, 2023 Looks interesting, but the GH repo either doesn't exist or isn't public. Can you check? Thanks!
go to post Bob Kuszewski · May 1, 2023 Telling you something you already know: You've got some bad state in your container image or in the persistent storage. I think we'd need to see more to be able to help:* What's the command you're using to run the container? All the environment variables and mount points is super-important here* What's the container you're running? If its your own, maybe the Dockerfile would help
go to post Bob Kuszewski · May 1, 2023 Here's an example I had put together in a different context. It sets up a single IRIS instance with a WebGateway and IAM. It also sets up TLS on the IAM instance. apiVersion: intersystems.com/v1alpha1 kind: IrisCluster metadata: name: fhir-iam spec: imagePullSecrets: - name: icr-secret storageClassName: gp2 licenseKeySecret: name: fhir-iris-key-secret configSource: name: fhir-iris-cpf tls: iam: secret: secretName: fhir-iam-tls topology: iam: image: containers.intersystems.com/intersystems/iam: webgateway: image: containers.intersystems.com/intersystems/webgateway:2022. type: apache replicas: 1 applicationPaths: - /csp/sys - /myfhirserver - /csp/healthshare alternativeServers: LoadBalancing data: image: containers.intersystems.com/intersystems/irishealth:2022. serviceTemplate: spec: type: ClusterIP
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Mar 15, 2023 It does not. Here's the details on the community edition license: https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls...
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Mar 15, 2023 From a container running in docker, you can always reference host.docker.internal which resolves to the hostname of your host. If you need an external IP address of the host, then you'll need to do something to pass in the ipaddress to the container
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Feb 13, 2023 Congrats everyone. There were so many worthy projects this time around that voting was really tricky.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Feb 7, 2023 It's a good question. I had thought raising an irisbuiltins.SQLError would do the trick, but it still returns the wrapped exception you see. I'll put in for an enhancement.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Jan 25, 2023 This is a temporary problem. We've having problems internally with our ARM container build servers and didn't want to hold up the preview release while we fix it. We expect these problems to be resolved before 2022.3's GA.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Jan 3, 2023 In addition to the WRC components section, you can find the ODBC drivers on the InterSystems FTP server: ftp://ftp.intersystems.com/pub/iris/odbc