Article Vladimir Prushk... · Feb 26, 2024 6m read Bridge AI/ML with your Adaptive Analytics solution In today's data landscape, businesses encounter a number of different challenges. One of them is to do analytics on top of unified and harmonized data layer available to all the consumers. A layer that can deliver the same answers to the same questions irrelative to the dialect or tool being used. #Adaptive Analytics #Analytics #Artificial Intelligence (AI) #Best Practices #Data Model #Machine Learning (ML) #Python #InterSystems IRIS 11 2 1 409
Article Vladimir Prushk... · Oct 31, 2022 5m read InterSystems IRIS with Laravel (via ODBC) It has been asked a few times recently, how one can make Laravel Framework work with InterSystems IRIS Data Platform. It's been a while since this post about Laravel and InterSystems Caché was published. To bring it up to date, the article gives a brief instruction set on how to setup and configure a Laravel project for use with InterSystems IRIS through ODBC. What is Laravel? #Development Environment #ODBC #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 10 5 2 1.1K
Question Vladimir Prushk... · Nov 10, 2017 Objects referencing each other Is it okay to have to objects of different classes referencing each other ?set woman.husband = manset man.wife = woman #Object Data Model #Caché 0 2 0 337
Question Vladimir Prushk... · Mar 14, 2017 EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter in a BusinessService Is it possible to use EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter in a BusinessService to poll a URL every hour ? #Business Service #Ensemble 0 1 0 413
Question Vladimir Prushk... · Feb 21, 2017 Parse %ObjectIdentity Hi!I'm trying to implement %OnAfterDelete ClassMethod for persistent class. As a parameter it gets oid As %ObjectIdentity for the deleted object.ClassMethod %OnAfterDelete(oid As %ObjectIdentity) As %StatusMy question is: how to get ID value from %ObjectIdentity ? #Object Data Model #Caché 0 2 0 526
Question Vladimir Prushk... · Jun 9, 2016 Create GUID Is there a system function/method which can create a GUID ? #ObjectScript #Caché 2 2 0 2.6K