I am getting this with %RCHANGE:


This routine changes all occurrences of a string in
routines/include files.

1. Change every: Cache to: IRIS
2. Change every:

Routine(s): %*

Then I get these types of messages:

This routine is mapped to another database, are you sure you want to change it??


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Hi I am getting this message for some databases but not for others: This database is mounted as read-only due to 'Failed to access iris.lck file'! and not for others on Google Cloud community non-health edition.

For example this default database displays the message: Name IRISLIB Directory /usr/irissys/mgr/irislib/

But this default database does not: Name IRISSYS Directory /ISC/dur/mgr/

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Hi all, New user here. I have an instance of Google Cloud Iris Health Community Edition running and am logged in on terminal. I follow the instructions for Google Cloud IRIS Health Community Edition. How do I get to iris? iris status yields nothing, there is no /bin/iris and sudo docker ps -a shows no containers but there probably is a iris container somewhere on the instance? 'Visit the site' yields ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

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