And so it is:

@intersystems-iris-community-edition-1-vm:~$ cd /opt/ISC
@intersystems-iris-community-edition-1-vm:/opt/ISC$ sudo vim docker-compose.yml
@intersystems-iris-community-edition-1-vm:/opt/ISC$ sudo docker-compose up -d
Recreating try-iris ... done
@intersystems-iris-community-edition-1-vm:/opt/ISC$ sudo docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                            COMMAND             CREATED              STATUS                                 PORTS                      
db93ab338e46        intersystems/iris-community:2019.4.0.379.0-gcp   "/iris-main"        About a minute ago   Up About a minute (health: starting)>9100-910
1/tcp,>51773/tcp,>52773/tcp   try-iris

I am not 'sure' if I want to change system routines. IRISLIB is read only. Probably not change Cache occurrences in IRISLIB. I've made no effort yet to see where these routines actually reside and %RCHANGE doesn't tell me where. RPMS traditionally uses Cache and Ensemble which are no longer sold. Intersystems IRIS Adoption Guide seems to indicate that all Cache references be replaced by IRIS.  I use D ^%CD to use RPMS namespace before %RCHANGE. I do not know if that restricts %RCHANGE to that namespace.  I suspect from the messages I am getting that %RCHANGE tries to change all occurrences. 

Thanks for the response, I will use anything that will work. Goal is to replace the word Cache with IRIS. I did use %RCHANGE which somewhat worked.  It errored on some of the instances of Cache but succeeded in others.  What would source control for IHS FOIA RPMS in a CACHE.DAT benefit? 

In Altelier I tried just .int as an extension and get this: An internal error occurred during: "Atelier Search".
Failed to read /api/atelier/v2/RPMS/action/search?query=.%2ACache.%2A&

-- IV

I have eclipse and Atelier installed and running. I have the ip address in and did a netstat -a to see which port is being listened on. It is choking on login credentials.  I did not setup the default id or password. That is done by google cloud when the instance is provisioned. I am using what I think is the correct id and password but it isn't going for it.  I don't know how to proceed. 

Thank you for the response.  The solution was that the directory group had to be set to 52773.  This doesn't appear in the ISC permissions guide. There are contradictions between what was pre-setup in the cloud instance and the permissions guide:

It refers to irisowner irisusr which does not appear in /etc/passwd or /etc/group and the actual databases themselves seem to be usually set to owner:group 51773 52773 which also doesn't appear in /etc/passwd or /etc/group.

I am quite knowledgeable about Unix/Linux and its permissions but as they say the devil is in the details.  I am the author of the Astronaut VistA installer suite so am something of an authority on the subject for what that is worth now for how the same things are done  (differently) with ISC. Sigh. Here is the relevant output of ps -ef

root 32080 1 0 17:23 ? 00:00:05 /usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sroot 32252 32080 0 17:23 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/docker-proxy -proto tcp -host-ip -host-port 52773 root 32268 32080 0 17:23 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/docker-proxy -proto tcp -host-ip -host-port 51773 root 32276 1338 0 17:23 ? 00:00:03 containerd-shim -namespace moby -workdir /var/lib/containerd/io.con51773 32305 32276 0 17:23 ? 00:00:00 /iris-main

Here is my permissions which I made the same as other IRIS.DAT. Do I have to restart something to make it engage? If so, what is the command? I restarted docker but it did not make a difference. 

intersystems-iris-community-edition-1-vm:/opt/ISC/dur/mgr$ ls -la IHSFOIARPMS/total 3890188drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 7 14:44 .drwxrwxr-x 10 51773 52773 4096 Nov 12 17:23 ..-rw-r--r-- 1 51773 52773 3983540224 Nov 7 14:46 IRIS.DAT

Was only able to get so far: 

Namespace: RPMS
You're in namespace RPMS
Default directory is /ISC/dur/mgr/IHSFOIARPMS/



ZTMGRSET Version 8.0 Patch level **34,36,69,94,121,127,136,191,275,355,446,584**
HELLO! I exist to assist you in correctly initializing the current account.

This is namespace or uci RPMS,EXTERNAL.
Should I continue? N//Y
I think you are using OpenM-NT
Which MUMPS system should I install?

1 = VAX DSM(V6), VAX DSM(V7)
3 = Cache (VMS, NT, Linux), OpenM-NT
4 = 
5 = 
6 = 
7 = GT.M (VMS)
8 = GT.M (Unix)
System: 3//
 K ^%ZOSF("MASTER"),^("SIGNOFF") ;Remove old nodes.

This routine will rename the correct routine to ZU for you.

Rename ZUONT to ZU, OK? No//Y
 K ^TMP($J)
RPMS 5d1>