go to post Mark Charlton · Dec 4, 2024 Looking at the profile flags I was the fastest UK finisher, so I'll take that as a win :)
go to post Mark Charlton · Nov 21, 2024 That looks like a fun thing to play with and get setup. I will have to give it a go. Your last code example however looks a little confusing as your .Scan() method returned the Data: SHIPPER and 28083901 yet the barcodes JSON has SHIPPER and 12345601.
go to post Mark Charlton · Apr 14, 2023 Plus one for the LFS approach, (I wrote this before noticing it was in Eduard's more complete solution.If you don't need to keep the spaces, because they're the delimiter, I find that $LFS works as a quick and dirty. It depends what you want the punctuation for. You can put spaces back in when do something with the list if you need them.
go to post Mark Charlton · Mar 13, 2023 I have been working on this recently and tried the links in this and other questions, but in the end settled for using Chrome. It was easier, quicker and less moving parts as Chrome was already on the servers. /// "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --headless --disable-gpu --print-to-pdf="E:\Data\Spooler\2022-07\DN560241_14a.pdf" "E:\Data\Spooler\2022-07\DN560241_14.htm" S strExePath=..getChrome() // This function just handles the fact some machines put chrome in program files, others in program files (x86)S s1=$ZF(-100,"/LOGCMD /NOQUOTE /STDOUT+=e:\logs\H2POUT.log /STDERR+=e:\logs\H2Perr.log",strExePath,"--headless --disable-gpu --print-to-pdf-no-header --print-to-pdf="""_strPDFPath_""" """_strHTMLPath_"""") // For some weird reason this flags as an error when it completes, no idea why, but its not valid. //w "S1: "_s1,!!//I $$$ISERR(s1) Q $SYSTEM.Status.GetErrorText(s1) I ##class(%File).Exists(strPDFPath) { Q "1*"_strPDFPath } ELSE { Q "0*Error Occurred" }
go to post Mark Charlton · Mar 9, 2023 Thanks Timo The codebase of this system is over 30 years old. They came up with suffixing as their solution and its used in a lot of places. As much as I can see prefixing as a better solution overall, there is no way to make that happen. So I'm stuck battling with what I've got. I've a few ideas now on where / how to approach a new search function for this class of data set, but no shining silver bullet.
go to post Mark Charlton · Feb 24, 2023 Hi Stuart Thanks for the ideas. I think the key is to force the comparison to a string search, because the numeric search gets a bit hairy, but I'll have to go away and play with a few ideas and the real data and see what comes out in the wash.
go to post Mark Charlton · Feb 24, 2023 Hi David You're right, there are no numeric values in the global, all values are suffixed with a space. The issue occurs when the actual value of the search string is numeric, (i.e. the prefix you're searching for has no alpha characters in, regardless of the state of the matching value in the global). The code I had worked fine for any non numeric search strings but not with fully numeric ones. The logical solution would seem to be to add the space onto the search string to convert it to a string and then run the search, however that doesn't return the data expected. I think I need to take all the suggestions above and go away and play with another version of the search function, possibly combining a numeric and string search function to get the complete matching data set. Thanks for the suggestions.
go to post Mark Charlton · Feb 19, 2023 Thanks Robert I still don't see how that addresses my question, but I understand what you're suggesting now. You're giving it the last value of the search, and you're also still looping through the entire global. The first I don't have unless I calculate it and the second is what I'm trying to avoid. I think my solution may lie in forcing the numeric search prefix into a string and going from there. I'll have to go back and play. As is the oft the case, writing it all down to explain it has clarified a few things for me :)
go to post Mark Charlton · Feb 18, 2023 Thanks Robert. I understand that the value is being treated as numeric. I couldn't get my head around how "8009 " matches "800999 " because the space should invalidate the match, but I've just realised that that space is a lower ascii value than the numerics and alpha characters. I don't understand your suggestion about using $QSUBSCRIPT, could you possibly provide a line of code to show how you're suggesting it would give me a range end.
go to post Mark Charlton · Feb 13, 2023 Have you tried just creating a new folder with the dat file in, and then going to add a new db and pointing it at the same folder that you added the dat file? It should then pick up and use the existing dat file for the new db.
go to post Mark Charlton · Feb 8, 2023 I'm loving the examples, however I'm a little confused by the last running total. Either I'm misunderstanding what it's trying to do or its not doing what I think it should. The ACC_EXPENSES column seems to be only taking the first value for a given date and adding it into the running total instead of all the values for a given date. In the below image the date 1/1/23 has 3 rows, 300, 230 & 330, which total 860 as seen in the TOTAL_EXPENSES column. The ACC_EXPENSES value for 1/2/23 should be the sum of 1/1/23, (860) and the sum of 1/2/23, (880), but instead its showing 730, which is the sum of the 2 rows I've highlighted above.
go to post Mark Charlton · Jan 26, 2023 Just thought, I had a lot more success easily accessing CACHE ODBC tables via WinSQL. The Lite version is free, and you'd just need that and the ODBC drivers and you'd have a simple way to access the data.
go to post Mark Charlton · Jan 25, 2023 Hi I know those are available, but I need to be able to access the data within those routines within objectscript. I want to be able to pull out the current status of each member of a mirror set from one member of that mirror set. From those docs, this is the data I want access to, but in a way I can access, check and report upon via scheduled scripts/reports so that if a mirror member goes offline I can pick it up from the primary say and email out a notification. If there is a way to do that with those utilities I can't see them from the documentation. Member Name+Type Status Journal Transfer Dejournaling -------------------------- --------- ---------------- -------------- MIR25FEB_A Failover Primary N/A N/A MIR25FEB_B Failover Backup Active Caught up MIR25FEB_C Disaster Recovery Connected Caught up Caught up MIR25FEB_D Read-Only Reporting Connected Caught up Caught up
go to post Mark Charlton · Jan 21, 2023 From very painful experience linking access to cache can be a very difficult proposition. In theory it's simple, an odbc link from access can read data fine from cache. However if you want to write anything back or perform updates of any kind it gets very finicky. We ended up writing sql stored procedures in cache and calling them from access for any data modifications. So the linked odbc tables were only used for read only access. Also be aware of large integer numbers, which need the bigint data type in access to display properly, which was only introduced in access 2019.
go to post Mark Charlton · Jan 20, 2023 So currently I have iris installs with PWS as we all do, and I've configured IIS for https access to the management portal, but I'd like to see how the installer would setup IIS. Is the IIS configuration part of the setup agent going to be available to run outside the installer so that I could run it against a prior version of Iris and see how the IIS setup is configured? Additionally if I want to remove the PWS from an install after having configured IIS, is that supported for prior versions than 2023? Assuming the testing, upgrade release cycle internally is such that upgrading to 2023 isn't an option yet. Would that be answered in the future documentation mentioned here? "Once a customer has migrated off the private web server, they'll need to remove it manually. (Add link to future documentation)"
go to post Mark Charlton · Dec 28, 2022 Hi Robert Thanks for the help and guidance. I've missed the window now as I've been away from the office, (a crazy idea I know). I'll take a look at the repo you've setup and see if I can figure out what I was doing wrong when I'm back online. Regards
go to post Mark Charlton · Dec 26, 2022 My repo is linked above, but here it is again, although I'm way out of contention for any cool commmunity badges :) https://github.com/mcwebtree/WIT-AOC2022 and this is empty but green, (https://community.objectscriptquality.com/dashboard?id=intersystems_iris...), so I think this years CPD may be on encoding algorithms and how VS Code, GitHub and Docker work with objectscript... Might then have a better chance next year :D Thanks for the motivation towards all the hair pulling, googling, screaming at monkeys, and don't get me started on the elephants... Merry Christmas all and have a great New Year.
go to post Mark Charlton · Dec 22, 2022 I just changed one of my classes (Day1) from abstract to Extends %RegisteredObject and committed to Git.The action ran, the code change shows on the code view of Code Quality. The file shows a count of lines of code, yet the overall view still shows no code.
go to post Mark Charlton · Dec 22, 2022 So the $64,000,000 (or more like $6,000) question is, does the current state of the quality checker stand for our submissions or do we need to go back and change all the classes to get it to work and qualify :) A moot point for me in the back seats but more so for Kevin.