I'm a big fan of the "old-school" debugging technique of embedding code to store interesting data into globals for later review after running the code to be debugged.

In ObjectScript, the command would look something like this:

Set ^mtempJJM("test", $i(^mtempJJM("test")) = "self=<"_self_">, "_name=<"_name_">"

And then from terminal, issuing this command:

zw ^mtempJJM("test")

One can do something similar in Python using the syntax described on the pages linked below (syntax on how to increment the global index is left to the reader 😀 ):


Global Reference API | Using Embedded Python | InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.2

An update on this...

I had assumed that all was configured properly on the Report Server, particularly with respect to the required connections and gateways as described here: https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls...

I was mistaken. Also, we are running an older version of the report server (Version 1.12.7981.11681, from Sept. 2021), which does not provide the "New data source and gateway management experience" introduced in May, 2022.

We're planning an upgrade of our Power BI Report Server and backing SQL Server and I'll revisit the use of DirectQuery to IRIS with some of our reports after that upgrade.

Thanks again Carmen for the pointers and I'll update this post after getting this working as expected.

Hi Carmen, thank you for the clarification on the "Import mode" recommendation and for the link to something to try. Unfortunately, although the report shows up in the right spot on the report server, when I try to "Manage" the "Data Sources", that link is greyed out:


I don't believe it's a folder/file permissions issue since I've saved other reports to this folder before.

The example in the link you sent me used Direct Query to the SQL Server for its data. Since report configuration information is also stored in SQL Server and my report has no explicitly-defined connection to SQL Server, could that be an issue?

I'm now looking at the backend SQL Server database where report information is stored for clues. I've found "rsInternalError" entries in the "....ExecutionLogStorage" table for each of the times I've tried to display the problem report from the server, but now looking for details of these errors.

I'll update this post with more details as I find them, but other ideas (how to enable the "Data sources" link?) are most welcome.

Thanks again,


The "repr(ex)" Python method also prints a bit more information about the exception:

        except Exception as ex:
            print("Exception: %s" % str(ex))

The "repr(ex)" Python method also prints a bit more information about the exception (e.g., the type of Error):

Exception: division by zero
ZeroDivisionError('division by zero')

If the goal is to have the method return an instance of %Exception.PythonException, the method could create one with "_New(str) method, supplying the "ex" string as the "str" parameter. The "except" clause would then return the instance.

Not sure of the syntax, but it's likely something like this:

newex = iris.cls('%Exception.PythonException')._New(ex) 
return newex

If, instead of returning that exception, the method would rather "raise" the exception,  there are some helpful hints here:


Would be nice to add a parameter to %DisplayFormatted for specifying a separator character/string when the first parameter is "CSV". Until then, I'll go through the result set and use %Print("|") to use a non-tab, non-comma separator when exporting results with embedded commas as requested by a customer (they don't like tabs).

Using Dynamic SQL | Using InterSystems SQL | InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2021.1