Hi Alex,

What happens if you call %BuildIndices for the "descriptionIndex" of Utility.contactTypes class after adding those 2 entries in DataSetup? I had an issue with a index "Find" call that went away after %BuildIndices on the index. Of course, I wouldn't expect that we'd need to build indices after each time we create a new object, so what I (and maybe we) found is a bug?

More investigation/diagnosis is needed for what I found; thought I'd bring it up in case it was related to what you found.

Thank for posting,


The system that I work on used to use InterSystems' Object Synchronization feature quite heavily to keep multiple servers around the world in sync. There was one main server with about 5 "satellite" servers. The InstanceGUID of the main server was used to support Object Synchronization. When we had to clone the main server, in order to maintain proper syncing with the "satellite" servers, we reset the cloned instance with the instance GUID of the original system.

To quote a colleague at ISC:


The instance guid is used for more than one purpose but
it is supposed to be unique to the instance. Its probably best
after cloning an instance to set this to a new value (assuming the
cloned instance isn't supposed to replace the old instance). 


Since our clone was replacing the old one, we used the steps below to set the instanceGUID of the new instance with the GUID of the old one (and retired the old system).

<another quote>

The original purpose of this document was to list the steps to create an exact copy of the original Hermes machine, including its role as the object-synchronization partner with other servers  around the world. In order to fill this role, some additional steps were needed and these are listed here:

  1. Get the unique “InstanceGUID” of the LEGACY instance of Caché by running the following command on LEGACY. Save the GUID that results from the command; it will be used later:
  • HERMES>w ##class(%SYS.System).InstanceGUID()
  • 34411A13-6CF9-4511-AC7D-49C2CEC6DB5B
  1. Assign this value to the new Hermes instance on NEW by issuing the following commands in the Caché Terminal on NEW:
    • s ns = “^^”_$zu(12)
    • s ^[ns]SYS(“INSTANCEGUID”)=”<Guid from Step 3 above>”
    • w ##class(%SYS.system).InstanceGUID()

</another quote>

Note that this is  something that should be done unless really necessary, but it is possible.

I selected the "Contact all update sites during install to find required software" checkbox from "Available Software" page, with "Atelier IDE" and "Atelier IDE HDPI Support" selected, and the "Remediation Page" no longer appears. Proceeding with the rest of the installation works well and I have Atelier in my instance of Eclipse!

Thanks all for your help (especially Jamie!).




Thank you Jamie, your suggestion has helped me make progress in getting the Atelier plugin into my Eclipse Neon instance on WIndows 7 machine. After clicking "Select All" to get "Atelier IDE" and "Atelier IDE HDPI Support" from the "Uncategorized" tree of Available Software and clicking "Next",  I now see an "Install Remediation Page" with 3 options; any suggestions as to what is best?

I can't seem to insert a JPEG file or paste a clipboard image into this editor, but the 3 options from the Page are:

"Keep my installation the same and modify the items being installed to be compatible."

"Update my installation to be compatible with the items being installed"

"Show original error and build my own solution"

Thanks again.


Hello Ronaldo and Atelier Community,

I am having a different issue installing Atelier as an Eclipse plugin and, instead of creating a new question, I am adding to this existing thread.

The main issue is the plugin installation does not report any errors or warnings, but I don't see the plugin listed on the "Installation Details" dialog in Eclipse nor do I see the "Atelier Project" as an option for new project.

I used the following page as a guide, but I wasn't quite sure of the steps for using the "auto-update framework":


Here are the steps I took to install the plugin; perhaps there is some user error.

1. I downloaded and installed Eclipse Neon:

Eclipse IDE for Java Developers

Version: Neon.3 Release (4.6.3)
Build id: 20170314-1500

2. Start Eclipse Neon.

3. Select Window->Preferences.

4. From the Preferences window, click Install/Update.

5. Click the “Add…” button on the right

6. in the subsequent "Add Site" dialog box:

Enter "Atelier" as the Name in the dialog box

Enter the following as the Location:


7. Click OK.

8. Select Help->Check for Updates, which ran with no errors.

9. Select Help->Installation Details and look at the "Plug-ins" tab. I don't see any Atelier plugins not other plugins listing InterSystems as the provider.

Here are some lines from the Help->Installation Details->Configuration output, showing that some Atelier-relation software was recognized by Eclipse (I can dump the whole Configuration output if it's helpful):





Any help will be much appreciated.