This demo is now 100% python :

Look at this beauty :

import grongier.pex
import datetime
import os
import iris

class FileOperation(grongier.pex.BusinessOperation):

    def OnInit(self):
        if hasattr(self,'Path'):

    def OnMessage(self, pRequest):

        ts = title = author = url = text = ""

        if (pRequest.Post is not None):
            title = pRequest.Post.Title
            author = pRequest.Post.Author
            url = pRequest.Post.Url
            text = pRequest.Post.Selftext
            ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(pRequest.Post.CreatedUTC).__str__()

        line = ts+" : "+title+" : "+author+" : "+url
        filename = pRequest.Found+".txt" 

        self.PutLine(filename, line)
        self.PutLine(filename, "")
        self.PutLine(filename, text)
        self.PutLine(filename, " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *")

        return iris.cls('Ens.StringResponse')._New("hello")

    def PutLine(filename,string):
            with open(filename, "a",encoding="utf-8") as outfile:
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

FileOperationWithIrisAdapter (we can use native iris adapter :)):

import iris
import grongier.pex

class FileOperation(grongier.pex.BusinessOperation):

    def getAdapterType():
        Name of the registred adaptor
        return "EnsLib.File.OutboundAdapter"

    def OnMessage(self, pRequest):

        ts = title = author = url = text = ""

        if (pRequest.Post != ""):
            title = pRequest.Post.Title
            author = pRequest.Post.Author
            url = pRequest.Post.Url
            text = pRequest.Post.Selftext
            ts = iris.cls("%Library.PosixTime").LogicalToOdbc(iris.cls("%Library.PosixTime").UnixTimeToLogical(pRequest.Post.CreatedUTC))

        line = ts+" : "+title+" : "+author+" : "+url
        filename = pRequest.Found+".txt" 

        self.Adapter.PutLine(filename, line)
        self.Adapter.PutLine(filename, "")
        self.Adapter.PutLine(filename, text)
        self.Adapter.PutLine(filename, " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *")

        return 1

With this image you will see the difference between Kong Enterprise and Kong Community :


In short Kong EE (Enterprise Edition) bring :

  • A web portal to manage your services/routes
  • A dev portal to publish and test you API for developers
  • Some additional plugins like LDAP support, proxy caching, advanced rate limiting
  • Kong EE inherits from all Kong Community features

If you need training on Kong EE you can follow this guide :

If you want to discover IRIS for Health with some samples, the best way is to install ZPM (community package manager).
More info here :

Then, you have access of almost all application in OpenExchange.

Let's have an example with csvgen-ui :

zpm "install csvgen-ui"

In OpenExchange you will find may example about rest API, web app, and so.

For now, it's not possible in pure python, because the select namespace is specified by the environment variable IRISNAMESPACE, and environment variable can't be change in the parent process, I have tried by reloading iris module with no success.

To achieve that, for now, as Robert says, you have to create an helper method in objectscript ... :(

Class Embedded.Utils

ClassMethod GetNameSpace() As %Status

    Return $namespace

ClassMethod SetNameSpace(pNameSpace) As %Status
    zn pNameSpace
    Return $namespace


Python :

import iris

except RuntimeError:
    print("Wrong NameSpace")

except RuntimeError:
    print("Wrong NameSpace")

If you are using Ensemble you can use EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot.

This helper class can persist ResutSet in global :

Set rset1 = ##class(%ResultSet).%New()
set sc = rset1.Prepare("Select * FROM Ens_Util.Log")
Set:+sc sc = rset1.Execute()

set snap = ##class(EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot).CreateFromResultSet(rset1)
set glb = snap.%GblRef

zw @glb

glb :

%Ensemble("12@EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot",1,9)="Production 'Connector.Production' starting..."
%Ensemble("12@EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot",1,10)="2022-02-08 14:29:33.724"
%Ensemble("12@EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot",2,9)="ConfigItem 'Ens.Actor' started in job 618"
%Ensemble("12@EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot",2,10)="2022-02-08 14:29:33.978"

If you are not using Ensemble, I guess you will have to build this kind of helper class by your self.

If you don't want to create new data on the FHIR protocol, you must use the PUT verb with an ID instead of POST.

PUT creates the resource with the specified ID if the ID does not exist, otherwise it replaces the pre-existing data.

POST always creates a new resource with a new ID, that's why the ID is not mandatory when POSTing.

For automatic transformations from HL7/CDA to FHIR, there is the possibility to define the ID for some resources and thus to avoid duplication.

Below is an example of code to transform an HL7 payload to SDA by specifying the ID of the patient in order to avoid duplicating this resource, after that you can transform this SDA to FHIR with no duplication of patient.

/// This is a custom business process that transforms an HL7 message to SDA format (an internal healthcare data format for InterSystems IRIS for Health).
/// To use this class, add a business process with this class to the production and configure the target. The default target will send the SDA to a component
/// that converts the data to FHIR.
Class FHIRDemo.HL7TransformProcess Extends Ens.BusinessProcess [ ClassType = persistent ]

Parameter SETTINGS = "TargetConfigName:Basic:selector?context={Ens.ContextSearch/ProductionItems?targets=1&productionName=@productionId},TransformFile:Basic";

Property TargetConfigName As Ens.DataType.ConfigName [ InitialExpression = "HS.FHIR.DTL.Util.HC.SDA3.FHIR.Process" ];

/// Transforms an HL7 message to SDA, an internal healthcare format for InterSystems IRIS for Health.
Method OnRequest(pRequest As EnsLib.HL7.Message, Output pResponse As Ens.Response) As %Status
    set tSC = $$$OK
    try {

        Set tQuickStream = ##class(HS.SDA3.QuickStream).%New()

        Set tResponse = ##class(HS.Message.XMLMessage).%New()
        Do tResponse.AdditionalInfo.SetAt(tQuickStream.%Id(),"QuickStreamId")
        Do tResponse.AdditionalInfo.SetAt($P(pRequest.GetValueAt("PID:3:1"),"^"),"PatientResourceId")

        Set tSC = ..SendRequestSync(..TargetConfigName,tResponse,.pResponse)
    } catch ex {
        set tSC = ex.AsStatus()
    quit tSC

Storage Default
<Data name="HL7TransformProcessDefaultData">
<Value name="1">
