Discussion Greg Billington · Jul 25, 2016 improvement suggestion - Connect with members - button says APPLY expect it to say SEARCH On the Dev Community website click CONNECT button in menu bar if you want to search for someone you can fill in their name or part name and click APPLY but wording implies it is a search, so why not make button say "Search"? #DC Feedback 0 0 0 146
Question Greg Billington · Jul 19, 2016 bug - the "add code package" green button does't work as expected (or show a useful error message) If i click the green "add code package" button on right of screen it shows a new screen with no meaningful text, and no error message.Screen grab added showing the screen you end up at which just says "Add content - Answer Answer" #DC Feedback 0 1 0 211
Article Greg Billington · Jul 18, 2016 1m read usability - the style and content of the Subscription digest email is not very easy to read or helpful I have just received an email digest for a post I submitted as someone has added an answer but it was not clear from the digest why I had received the digest or what had changed.1) When reading the digest in Outlook it has poor layout and styleMain text is light green on white background - poor contrast2) Not clear what has changed, ie what should I do as a result of getting this emailWould prefer something like #DC Feedback 1 1 0 279
Question Greg Billington · Jul 18, 2016 Is there a way to search within a specific community (as the search box top right is too wide in scope) If I am in a community on this website looking at articles would expect a search box at top so I can search within this community.1) The search top right is too general (I don't want to have to sub search, refine or just ignore irrelevant results)2) Most forums have the ability to easily search within them on other sites, which is what as a user I would expect #Other 1 6 0 232
Question Greg Billington · Jul 14, 2016 is there a tool to easily profile size usage within a database I am looking for a database management tool I would have expected to find something like on the SMP website Aim show current database usage (ie size allocation) by database then table etc and allow continued drill down, show information as a table, so can then sort by size to find the biggest item easily also show it graphically And then have ability to track and trend growth in size over time identify a normal growth pattern alert if variation (higher or lower) from normal based on recent trend #Databases #Monitoring #Caché 0 2 0 1.1K