
Are you using Docker for Windows?  I don't recommend it if you have access to a Linux system or Linux VM.  There are many frustrating limitations with it.

You can try to start your container without the --detach flag to see more about what is happening at container startup.  If everything seems right, but you still have a problem, try reaching out to the WRC for help.


Robert, although we only support containers on Linux, we have some information concerning Docker for Windows since many people find themselves in just this situation.

For your Durable %SYS directory, try a named volume instead of a bind mount (use docker volume create ...).  

Thanks for your post and for all your contributions in the DC.   Erik

There are many tools available for backup-and-restore.  InterSystems publishes some helpful information in the Caché Data Integrity Guide (  

If you are a supported customer, your sales engineer can be a good resource, and the WRC is always available to help you solve problems.


Sylvie, you didn't specify the exact version you are using; in v2016.1.1 and later, the limit of 999 journal files per day was removed.

If you are creating a lot of journal activity, and the 999 limit applies to you, you can also increase the size of each journal file so fewer are created each day.  As Eduard posted, testing your workload is the way to determine the journal space you need.


It's certainly possible to create a user-defined audit event and add audit events from your application code.  What's the purpose of tracking patient IDs?

Audit events are stored in the CACHEAUDIT database and by default are purged after a set number of days. So using the audit log to track patient IDs might not be the right solution.  It all depends on what your ultimate goal for tracking is.  

You might want to contact the WRC or your account team for more-specific help.


Robert's suggestion is the answer nearly all the time, but it's interesting that the messages seem to show an SSH server responding on the port you are using. If you want to use SSH, Robert is right: use an external SSH client and open port 22 on the remote server.

If you definitely need to use Telnet, you need to have a Telnet server (something like telnetd) running on the remote Ubuntu server and open TCP port 23.

If you are stuck, contact the WRC ( and an advisor can help you.


HP-UX uses initscripts to start processes. So you need an initscript which includes commands to start, stop, and check status of processes.

Let's take the Arbiter; it's a standalone process at OS level and is easier:

The Arbiter is an instance of ISCAgent, whose initscript is likely at /sbin/init.d/ISCAgent on your HP-UX system.

Symlink to that script in the runlevel directory for the runlevels you need this to run; this should be /sbin/rc3.d for runlevel 3 or /sbin/rc4.d for runlevel 4. You can review the HP-UX runlevels by reading the manpage for init (1M) (the command man init should get you there).

In those directories, you'll see names starting with S##name and K##name (digits for the #). This signals which services are (S)tarted or (K)illed when the system switches to this runlevel. On my test machine here, in /sbin/rc3.d I see S900ISCAgent, and I can see that it would start after


You would need a similar initscript which would start Cache'. I would expect that the Arbiter would be run on a host distinct from its mirror members. You can review the ISCAgent initscript to get a sense of how these are organized.

Bear in mind that a container is not exactly the same as a full OS installation, unless you make it so. This can lead to surprising problems.

One issue that I have seen is that installations fail when using a CentOS 7 container with an error that gzip is not found -- even though gzip is installed.

If you encounter this, make sure that the 'which' command is installed in the container. The installation tool uses which to locate gzip.

yum install -y which

This may prevent an annoying issue when you are commissioning a new container.