go to post Erik Hemdal · May 17, 2021 The InterSystems IRIS data platform is the engine in InterSystems' current product set. IRIS for Health adds capabilities related to healthcare applications and DeepSee (part of the older Caché database engine) allows you to embed business intelligence capability into your applications. For new development, or if you are just getting started, I would look to InterSystem IRIS and the products built on it, unless you know you have a specific need for Caché.
go to post Erik Hemdal · May 5, 2021 Rico, did you resolve this problem? InterSystems Support can help you with startup issues if you haven't fixed the problem. If you have fixed it, let us know what you did to cure it. Erik
go to post Erik Hemdal · Apr 28, 2021 James, The system-provided audit events are documented here: https://docs.intersystems.com/iris20201/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls?KEY=GCAS_audit#GCAS_audit_sys_events Check to see if these events will give you what you need: %System/%DirectMode/DirectMode audits commands run at the IRIS terminal. The events under %System/%SQL audit SQL commands. %System/%System/OSCommand audits $ZF calls. There are many others that track logins and system changes. Erik
go to post Erik Hemdal · Apr 21, 2021 Yossi, thanks for writing back. I'm really happy that you got an answer about this and that you posted back. Erik
go to post Erik Hemdal · Apr 21, 2021 Commonly, help with questions like this starts with your account manager or your sales engineer. But @Timothy Leavitt has a good suggestion too: you can contact Support by phone or email and a support advisor will help you get what you need. Erik
go to post Erik Hemdal · Mar 3, 2021 Yossi, I'm not familiar with CommVault and the VMTools (although the VMs I use here do have them installed). I have seen a variety of troubles cured by making sure the VMTools are up-to-date. VMWare or CommVault support might be best for that. As for Caché, make sure that EnableVSSBackup is set to 1 (true) in your CPF and that SYS.VSSWriter.1 is running (check the process list in the Portal). The VSS writer for Caché can be started only by an administrator on Windows. I don't have much more advice, if this doesn't get you working, I would contact WRC directly.
go to post Erik Hemdal · Mar 3, 2021 Yossi, I have worked with customers who use CommVault and it is mentioned in some of our reference architectures as an example of a backup solution. We can try to help you here if we know more about your problem, or you might consider contacting the WRC for direct help. Erik
go to post Erik Hemdal · Mar 1, 2021 Matthew, in which log or utility are you seeing the "Dead" status? That can offer a pointer about how you could detect the dead jobs. Do you know the cause of the dead jobs and what is the impact? The WRC can help sort that with you.
go to post Erik Hemdal · Feb 19, 2021 Others, including me, were noting this message in the log you posted 02/08/21-09:17:54:464 (7016) 3 [Utility.Event] Error: Invalid Community Edition license, may have exceeded core limit. - Shutting down the system : $zu(56,2)= 0 which is definitely unhappy about the core count. Rich has good advice if you are able to start the instance but are unable to run only some jobs. If you have a full license and you are still unable to sort this out, reach out to the WRC and an advisor can assist. Please let us know if you have progress, several of us are interested in your success. Erik
go to post Erik Hemdal · Feb 16, 2021 Priya, there is a limit of eight CPU cores for the Community Edition of InterSystems IRIS products. If you are using a Docker image, add --cpuset-cpus=0-7to your 'docker run' command. On a native server, or VM, you need to limit the cores available using the methods for that server (or use one with fewer cores). https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls?KEY=AC... Let us know if this resolves your trouble, and all best in migrating to IRIS. Erik
go to post Erik Hemdal · Feb 4, 2021 Paul, if you are working with one of our partners, then they are your best source for information about how the application is supported. The versions supported by partners can be different from those supported by InterSystems. Erik
go to post Erik Hemdal · Feb 4, 2021 Paul, v2017.1 is supported on 8.4-1H1, documentation is here. For the rest, reach out to your account team so they can consider your complete circumstances. Erik
go to post Erik Hemdal · Nov 29, 2020 Paras, On OpenVMS, versioning is handled by RMS services; the versioning is supported by the filesystem. That versioning doesn't exist on Linux. In %Library.File these might help (or might help Hans-Peter, too): GetFileDateCreated() -> gives creation date to the second in $H format, given the filename. GetFileDateModified() -> last-modified time in $H format, again given the name. And the FileSet query might help browsing the directory, too: query FileSet(directory As %String(MAXLEN=""), wildcards As %String, sortby As %String = "", includedirs As %Boolean = 0, delimiter As %String = ";")
go to post Erik Hemdal · Nov 29, 2020 Charles, consider whether OS authentication in Caché can help you with the issue of two accounts to manage: https://cedocs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls?KEY=TSQS_OSAuthentication Erik
go to post Erik Hemdal · Nov 18, 2020 Paras, I think understanding more about the specific conditions you are working with would help. Is the encryption supported by the printer itself, or are there intermediary agents that would receive text from IRIS, encrypt, send, decrypt, and feed the printer? How does printing to this printer work now outside of IRIS? And knowing details like OS, and printer model helps too. The choice of page-description language and printer driver can be important too. Erik
go to post Erik Hemdal · Oct 12, 2020 Steve, Vic is correct that there is a webgateway container. It's primarily used with ICM, which handles configuration for you. If you are not using ICM, it may be best to contact the WRC if you need assistance. Erik
go to post Erik Hemdal · Sep 17, 2020 Hansel, you may want to reach out to the InterSystems WRC for help if you have not found the cause on your own. Erik
go to post Erik Hemdal · Sep 9, 2020 Since you are working on Windows, review the advice here: https://community.intersystems.com/post/using-intersystems-iris-containers-docker-windows If you are seriously stuck, you might consider contacting the WRC for help. Understanding the context and your overall goal can be important in solving troubles like this -- and also preventing other troubles that you might encounter. Erik
go to post Erik Hemdal · Aug 6, 2020 Muni, This can be difficult and the details of what the data is and how it was killed are very important. You may be able to accomplish what you need via ^ZJRNFILT as Dmitry mentioned. But that requires you to find where the KILL is in the journal files, and determine how to filter out the KILL without filtering other updates that are required. Commonly this requires replaying ALL journals from the time of the event forward, to avoid stale data replacing current data. So the longer you wait, the more journals you have to replay. If the global contains information that has not changed in a long time, then that stable data is probably not in the journal files anymore. You would need to restore from a backup in that case. Erik