go to post Erik Hemdal · Jul 6, 2022 Perhaps this will help you: https://community.intersystems.com/post/handling-date-and-time-operations-cach%C3%A9
go to post Erik Hemdal · Jul 6, 2022 In the errpt output, Roger, it looks like something made your disks unavailable. LABEL: LVM_SA_QUORCLOSEIDENTIFIER: CAD234BE Date/Time: Mon Jun 20 16:50:40 -03 2022Sequence Number: 21297Machine Id: 00FB42D74C00Node Id: SISMED1Class: HType: UNKNWPAR: GlobalResource Name: LVDD Resource Class: NONEResource Type: NONELocation: DescriptionQUORUM LOST, VOLUME GROUP CLOSING Probable CausesPHYSICAL VOLUME UNAVAILABLE Detail DataMAJOR/MINOR DEVICE NUMBER8000 0028 0000 0000QUORUM COUNT 2ACTIVE COUNT 65535SENSE DATA0000 0000 0000 0A9E 00F9 8DEE 0000 4C00 0000 014B 506D D812 0000 0000 0000 0000---------------------------------------------------------------------------LABEL: LVM_GS_CHILDGONEIDENTIFIER: 4B219AEA Date/Time: Mon Jun 20 16:50:40 -03 2022Sequence Number: 21296Machine Id: 00FB42D74C00Node Id: SISMED1Class: UType: PERMWPAR: GlobalResource Name: LIBLVM Resource Class: NONEResource Type: NONELocation: DescriptionConcurrent LVM daemon forced Volume Group offline Probable CausesUnrecoverable event detected by Concurrent LVM daemon Failure CausesLost communication with remote nodesLost quorum Recommended Actions Ensure Cluster daemons are running CHECK ERROR LOG FOR ADDITIONAL RELATED ENTRIES Attempt to bring the Concurrent Volume Group back online IF PROBLEM PERSISTS, CONTACT APPROPRIATE SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Detail DataVolume Group ID00F9 8DEE 0000 4C00 0000 014B 506D D812MAJOR/MINOR DEVICE NUMBER0028 0000SENSE DATA0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Make sure your hardware is healthy.
go to post Erik Hemdal · Jun 30, 2022 Nicki, I would start with your account manager and have a chat about how best to migrate. Since Ensemble and IRIS for Health are different products, the specific versions involved matter a great deal. A sales engineer on your account team probably has seen migrations such as the one you propose. As for differences between IRIS and Ensemble, check the Migration Guide which you can download from the WRC. There's a lot there, but it includes the result of a lot of testing and migration experience. And of course, if you are finding something that doesn't work as it should, reach out to the WRC.
go to post Erik Hemdal · Dec 31, 2021 Rob, if your organization has support from InterSystems, then there is usually one of your colleagues who manages the people who have WRC credentials. They should be able either to download the driver you need or to request credentials for you. If you think you should have credentials, or you forgot username/password, send a request to support@intersystems.com asking for credentials (use your organization's email). Erik
go to post Erik Hemdal · Dec 6, 2021 Hi Gary, If you have a default Docker installation, there is no daemon.json there until you create one to alter the default behavior of Docker. This external post discusses it in more detail. Post more about what you are trying to achieve if this doesn't answer your question, or contact the WRC. Erik
go to post Erik Hemdal · Nov 29, 2021 Earlier ODBC driver versions should be compatible with Caché 2018.1, but we recommend updating clients to the latest driver for your Caché version. There aren't any 2021.x ODBC drivers for Caché on the WRC download page. If you have one and you want to be sure you have a good driver, reach out to the WRC so we can understand your specific situation. Erik
go to post Erik Hemdal · Nov 29, 2021 Rob, the ODBC drivers for IRIS are not compatible with Caché and Ensemble. Erik
go to post Erik Hemdal · Nov 24, 2021 Hi Hoi, nice to see you in the community. You piqued my curiosity about FASP and I found this white paper about it: https://www.ibm.com/downloads/cas/7D3KBL9Z. I don't see any support for this in our class reference. If you are looking for support for this in InterSystems IRIS, I would start with your InterSystems account team to explore what you need and what alternatives might serve.
go to post Erik Hemdal · Nov 3, 2021 Scott, the WRC may be able to help if you haven't resolved this. The details will matter a lot (what VM/OS version/Docker version/etc.). I have seen troubles on Ubuntu VMs under WSL2 using SysV init rather than systemd, which causes trouble with software that expects systemd.
go to post Erik Hemdal · Nov 3, 2021 Thiago, I would try downloading the latest image again. The embedded license expired a short time ago and the image was refreshed. If you continue to have trouble, reach out to the WRC for help.
go to post Erik Hemdal · Nov 1, 2021 Kevin, manually allocating space for a database file allows you to (as Alexander mentioned) avoid expansions on-the-fly. In some applications that extra overhead isn't desirable when the system is running. Pre-expanding the database also commonly results in a contiguous file on disk, which can improve performance of storage and backup operations. There can be other reasons, too, why limiting the size of a database would be desirable.
go to post Erik Hemdal · Oct 14, 2021 Robert, +1 for Kepner-Tregoe ATS. That was one of the first seminars I took as a new engineer, and it still ranks as some of the most-useful training I ever had.
go to post Erik Hemdal · Oct 13, 2021 @Bren Mochocki , the link worked for me today; downloading is back. Try it again, please, and post back if you still have troubles. Erik
go to post Erik Hemdal · Sep 22, 2021 It should work. Windows privileges need to be correct, and in recent Windows versions, it is not as simple as running as an Administrator. If you have specified a user to run the IRIS instance, rather than the Local System account, run the irisinstall setserviceusername command (details are in the documentation) to set privileges correctly. https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls... The InterSystems WRC can also help if you are truly stuck.
go to post Erik Hemdal · Jul 21, 2021 You can also use a reporting async or perhaps an ECP application server, depending on what analysis you are doing.
go to post Erik Hemdal · Jun 30, 2021 If the advice you have so far doesn't help you make progress, you might consider a chat with your account team. They usually have experiences to share about cases like this.
go to post Erik Hemdal · Jun 30, 2021 There isn't a Web terminal built into the product but some customers have used the application from OpenExchange on their own. You can access an IRIS terminal via 'docker exec'. The best way depends on your specific conditions and requirements. Post more details if you have more questions.
go to post Erik Hemdal · Jun 2, 2021 Gulshan, the path you take depends on how much money you want to spend and how you prefer to learn. You have a lot of choices. I'll add this one to the list of good options the others have posted: https://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide It's an important language to learn for a lot of fields. Good luck and post back here with what you chose. That will probably help a lot of others. Erik
go to post Erik Hemdal · Jun 1, 2021 Thank you, Michael, a picture will help a lot. It sounds like Rose is some kind of server clustering solution that allows two servers to share a disk. @wenjie zhao, if you are using Caché 2016.1 today, I would suggest that you discuss this with your account manager, who is probably most familiar with your system. Your account manager can bring in technical resources if necessary to help you.