Question Wolf Koelling · Jan 7, 2019 IRIS Quarterly Container only releases and Studio After attending the Intersystems DACH conference in Germany at the end of last November and taking part in a few workshops about containers and microservices I took the plunge and installed Docker on home Windows PC, downloaded IRIS 2018.2 preview and got that up and running. Good stuff and I gave myself a pad on the shoulder at that point. #Containerization #Release #Studio #InterSystems IRIS 0 8 1 474
Question Wolf Koelling · May 30, 2018 Atelier 1.2 csp sessions I have just upgraded to Atelier v1.2 beta and find that I'm using up the license pool.The longer I work within Atelier the more csp sessions for application /api/atelier I'm creating. It seems that each class I'm opening in the editor creates a new session. This is ok up to 25 sessions at which point I'm consuming 25 licences units and soon after nobody can log in any more because I'm consuming all licenses. I never really looked at this with v1.1 but that is because I never experienced this problem, so my assumption is that something changed with v1.2. #Development Environment 0 1 0 354
Question Wolf Koelling · Dec 16, 2016 2017.1 Field test Windows installation problem Does anybody else have problems installing the Caché 2017.1 FT for Win_x64?I'm getting an error "Unable to execute the required file: The following system error has occurred: The system cannot find the file specified. (2)"This is happening with the very latest version (build 726) and the previous one ( build 720), whereas the builds before were fine.I've uninstalled Caché to see whether it was an upgrade vs clean install problem but it makes no difference. #Caché #Microsoft Windows #Field Tests 0 5 0 577