
We have an IRIS installation on one drive "D"; the drive is a partition that is limited to 2TB in size; we want to move the entire D: contents to a larger partition-type not limited to 2TB.

The IRIS install is on D: as are all of the Databases the instance uses.

Are there any concerns or issues that should be considered or are not so obvious with doing this?

i.e. IRIS and all processes doing disk access to D: need be shutdown first (and a full-backup taken, all journals up to date for mirrors etc).

A new partition of E: created as say 3TB.

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Hi hi,
Is there any way to do an automated daily print-to-PDF of a dashboard (its' widgets / pivots etc)?
I am able to add a "Print" Control to a Widget on a dashboard to do the default DeepSee Print functionality of a Control, but this is manual and browser dependent.
Is there a way I can either:
1) have say a scheduled task to automatically print the dashboard (as and instead of the manual Control click) including specifying filename?

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I cannot edit properties (title etc) of Widgets within Dashboards outside of the ENSDEMO namespace:
I have a namespace "HL7Report" for example;
I have some Pivots created looking into a cube's data;
I click "DeepSee", "User Portal" from the Management Portal;
I click "+", "Add Dashboard", folder/name/title/category all as "new", "OK", new dashboard appears;
I click ">", "Widgets >", "+", and select a pivot to display as a table (chart / anything);

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