That's the perfect answer with the appropriate API to use !! 😀
Thanks @Vitaliy Serdtsev 

USER>zn "%sys"
%SYS>w ##class(SYS.Database).%OpenId("/is/iris/mgr/irisaudit").Size
%SYS>w ##class(%SYS.Audit).Erase(1)                                               
%SYS>w ##class(SYS.Database).%OpenId("/is/iris/mgr/irisaudit").Size

And in messages.log you have :

08/24/23-17:31:00:649 (23676) 0 [Database.FullExpansion] Expansion completed for database /is/iris/mgr/irisaudit/. Expanded by 10 MB.
08/24/23-17:33:38:885 (48001) 0 [Generic.Event] Dismounted database /is/iris/mgr/irisaudit/ (SFN 4)
08/24/23-17:33:39:955 (48001) 0 [Database.MountedRW] Mounted database /is/iris/mgr/irisaudit/ (SFN 4) read-write.

Hello @ED Coder,

you can also use a "low-code" approach using the DTL language with the REMOVE action :

Class utils.HL7.transfo.removeSegment Extends Ens.DataTransformDTL [ DependsOn = EnsLib.HL7.Message ]

Parameter REPORTERRORS = 1;
XData DTL [ XMLNamespace = "" ]
<transform sourceClass='EnsLib.HL7.Message' targetClass='EnsLib.HL7.Message' sourceDocType='2.6:ADT_A01' targetDocType='2.6:ADT_A01' create='copy' language='objectscript' >
<assign value='' property='target.{EVN}' action='remove' />
<assign value='' property='target.{DG1()}' action='remove' />

Very good demo of Python native API in interactive mode

This app is a very good example of how to use the IRIS native Python API to run an interactive routine from a pure Python code.
Very useful.

If you want to use it by connecting to an external instance (ie: other than your local container), you'll have to install the %ZX routine as this is the function used in the code :

ans=iris.function("","%ZX",what+" quit 0")

To install %ZX routine or your remote IRIS instance, you can either execute from the Management Portal > System Explorer > SQL :

 set %rcc=##class(%Routine).%New("")    
 set %rccline="x(%rcc) try {return $xecute(%rcc)} catch %rcc {return %rcc.DisplayString()}"    
 do %rcc.WriteLine(%rccline)     
 do %rcc.Save()   
 quit %rcc.Compile()   

Or simply add it from ZPM :

USER> zpm "install nacl-server"

Then from your local container, just execute :

% docker compose exec iris python3 src/
>>> serverIP []: host.docker.internal
>>> serverPORT [1972]: 51770
>>> namespace [USER]: 
>>> username [_SYSTEM]: 
>>> password [SYS]: 

Connected to Instance I4H on Server DEMOSERVER.EXTERNAL.COM
Select Demo to exercise
 0 = free ObjectScript
 1 = $ZV from Server
 2 = Actual Time in Server
 3 = TimeZone Offset of Server
 4 = Server Architecture*Vendor*Model
 5 = List Global in ZWRITE style
 * = Terminate demo
>>> take a choice [1]:

Hi Muhammad,

thanks for this very interesting app ; it wide opens a lot of possibilities 😀

I'm trying to run it locally, but I'm facing this error :

%SYS>zn "user"

USER>zw ^ChatGPTKey

USER>set chat = ##class(dc.irisChatGPT).%New()

USER>do chat.SetAPIKey("--- my key ---")

USER>zw ^ChatGPTKey
^ChatGPTKey(1)="--- my key ---"

USER>write chat.irisDocs("Give me details of %$PIECE function with syntax")
You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.

WRITE chat.irisDocs("Give me details of %$PIECE function with syntax")
<THROW> *%Exception.PythonException  230 ^^0^ <class 'UnboundLocalError'>: local variable 'ret' referenced before assignment - 

Then after a re-run I get the result successfully ; any idea ?

USER>write chat.irisDocs("Give me details of %$PIECE function with syntax")

 The %$PIECE function is used to extract a substring from a string of text. The syntax for the %$PIECE function is %$PIECE(string, delimiter, piece_number). The string is the text from which you want to extract a substring. The delimiter is the character or characters that separate the pieces of the string. The piece_number is the number of the piece you want to extract.

The docs is not always linked to IRIS :

USER>write chat.irisDocs("Give me details of $zn function with syntax")

 The $zn function is a MongoDB operator that returns the index of a given value in an array. The syntax for the $zn function is: {$zn: [<array>, <value>]}.

USER>write chat.irisDocs("Give me details of zn function with syntax")

 The zn function is a mathematical function that takes two arguments, x and n, and returns the remainder of x divided by n. The syntax for the zn function is zn(x, n).

USER>write chat.irisDocs("Give me details of SET function with syntax")

 The SET function is a built-in function in Microsoft Excel that allows you to assign a value to a variable. The syntax for the SET function is: SET(variable, value).

USER>write chat.irisDocs("Give me details of %kill function with syntax")

 The %kill function is used to terminate a SAS session. The syntax for the %kill function is %kill;

USER>write chat.irisDocs("Give me details of kill function with syntax")

 The kill function is a command line utility used to terminate a process. The syntax for the kill function is: kill [signal] PID, where signal is an optional argument that specifies the signal to be sent to the process and PID is the process ID of the process to be terminated.

These shortcuts are really handy 😀

Many of them are pre-installed with IRIS.


The approach 1 doesn't "raises your limit to 99900 properties" but rather to 6600 properties.

You can test it through large.utils.cls

w ##class(large.utils).init(66,100)
deleting large.serial100
creating large.serial100
compiling large.serial100

Compilation started on 07/31/2023 14:48:16
Compiling class large.serial100
Compiling routine large.serial100.1
Compilation finished successfully in 0.218s.

creating large.c66
compiling large.c66

Compilation started on 07/31/2023 14:48:16
Compiling class large.c66
Compiling table large.c66
Compiling routine large.c66.1
Compilation finished successfully in 8.356s.

w ##class(large.utils).init(67,100)
deleting large.serial100
creating large.serial100
compiling large.serial100

Compilation started on 07/31/2023 14:48:27
Compiling class large.serial100
Compiling routine large.serial100.1
Compilation finished successfully in 0.213s.

creating large.c67
compiling large.c67

Compilation started on 07/31/2023 14:48:27
Compiling class large.c67
Compiling table large.c67
Compiling routine large.c67.1
ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <MAXSTRING>CompileRtns+286^%occRoutine
ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <NOROUTINE>DescribePhase2+9^%occSysDescriptor *large.c67.1
Detected 2 errors during compilation in 6.896s.

0 a(<MAXSTRING>CompileRtns+286^%occRoutineÛCompileRtns+286^%occRoutine  IRISAPP³e^ReturnError+2^%occSystem^1!e^CompileList+229^%occCompile^1e^CompileList+23^%apiOBJ^1e^Compile+1^%apiOBJ^1e^Compile+1^%SYSTEM.OBJ.1^1^init+50^large.utils.1^1e^^^0K0 G¦
                                                                          large.c67/    IRISAPP#!e^CompileRtns+388^%occRoutine^1