Hi Paul,

I'm not sure what exactly you are looking for but this online course might be helpful.

"RESTful FHIR & Messaging in Health Connect

See how the off-the-shelf components of Health Connect allow you to transform an HL7® C-CDA document into discrete FHIR resources, post those resources to a FHIR server, and then use a REST testing tool to search for individual pieces of clinical data. "


For Caché, the restore should just be compatible. I just tested restoring a 2015 cbk to 2017 and confirmed that. For IRIS you'd need additional steps.

Supported Version Interoperability (docs for Caché 2017.2)

I'd look into confirming that the cbk isn't corrupt for whatever reason. Can you restore it on the original system? Perhaps you can review the checksum? Maybe you can try taking a new online backup or an external backup?

Outside of that, I'd second Robert's suggestion to reach out to the WRC (especially if the problem is urgent). Does the organization you are working with/for have a support contract?

Hello Azezur,

Info on the CSPSystem user can be found in a few places in the docs, like here:

Predefined User Accounts

"Default account representing the Web Gateway when it connects to InterSystems IRIS via Instance Authentication for Normal and Locked-down instances. InterSystems recommends that you change the password for this account from its initial value prior to going into production."

Hi Steve,

I don't have a lot of experience with this but I have heard of a Web Gateway container that includes Apache.

"The webgateway image available from InterSystems, which includes both the Web Gateway and an Apache web server, provides a web server component for containerized deployments of InterSystems IRIS-based applications. Automated deployment of the Web Gateway container can be effected by using manual procedures to develop a CSP.ini file containing the desired Web Gateway configuration, as well as apache2.load and apache2.conf files specifying the desired Apache web server modules and configuration, and placing them in their expected locations in the Web Gateway container (/opt/webgateway/bin/ and /etc/apache2/mods-available/, respectively) as part of the deployment process. The durable %SYS feature and the Web Gateway’s entrypoint application /cspEntryPoint.sh provide a simple way to do this, as the script automatically links these files (plus the CSP.log log file) to the corresponding files on the specified durable %SYS volume."

Hello Mikael,

What do you mean by locking resources? I think Call Interval should be appropriate for the behavior you want, but I'm not sure what complication you're referring to.

A common suggestion here might be the Ensemble schedule handler, but I'd not recommend that as per the documentation this isn't intended for specifying specific processing times, but activation windows for the interface. The documentation also discusses creating a more general scheduled task and having it call CreateBusinessService() and ProcessInput() but this would be much more involved than just using Call Interval.

One set of errors that stood out to me is:

09/25/20-15:45:16:790 (9924) 1 SNMP server failed to start: 0,Error (2) signaling Windows SNMP Service; check Service is installed/started.
09/25/20-15:54:17:010 (8972) 1 Error reading from SNMP port, Windows SNMP Service may have terminated connection.

I'd recommend reviewing the documentation I linked for some other suggestions, but I'd start by trying to verify that snmp works at the Windows level, separate from Caché.

Hi Han,

Is the problem you are seeing that you can't set up SNMP with Caché? The error you pointed out is most likely Windows error 2 file not found. Does the referenced file exist? Perhaps the permissions are incorrect.

Maybe this error is not the important one, as after that it seems startup continues until we see the following:

16:58:25 :Error response from Cache instance ENSEMBLE 'requestDenied', make sure $$start^SNMP has been run.

Has $$start^SNMP been run? You can find  setup/troubleshooting steps in the documentation here:

Monitoring Caché Using SNMP


57772 was the default web server port for Caché, but for IRIS the default port is 52773. This setting is configurable, so you can check the messages.log in <install directory>/mgr/ to confirm which port is being used with the message I described in my previous comment.

Alternatively, "iris list" will also tell you the port number.