Check that stream is an object and contains relevant data:

write $isObject(httpResponse)

what data does it contain:

do httpResponse.OutputToDevice()

if it's not an object - what is it?

zwrite httpResponse

If everything is okay - stream contains what you expect it to contain, then what is the status of convert operation:

Set sc = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider).%ConvertJSONToObject(httpResponse,,.Object,1)

write $System.Status.GetErrorText(sc)
zwrite Object


parent As Class,
FROM %Dictionary.CompiledIndex


parent As Class, Name, Type
FROM %Dictionary.CompiledProperty
WHERE Type='%Library.Integer' -- Name='Property' AND parent='Class'


SELECT 1 As "Exists"
FROM %Dictionary.CompiledIndex
WHERE _Unique=1 AND parent = :Class AND Properties = :Property

Generally speaking, inside Caché you must have two functions

InternalToExternal(name) As %String

ExternalToInternal(path) As %String

That translate Cache names (/app/index.csp) into filenames (i.e. C:\Temp\MyRepo\CSP\app\index.csp) and vice versa.

Your CI system should:

  1. Build git diff between target commit and environment current commit. Sample code.
  2. Separate diff into 2 parts: added/modified and deleted.
  3. Load added/modified files into Cache.
  4. Translate external names for deleted list into internal names.
  5. Delete items from deleted list.
  6. Set current environment commit equal to target commit

Here's a series of articles on building a CI/CD pipeline for InterSystems Cache.

can I deploy a container manually

Sure, to deploy a container manually it's enough to execute this command:

docker run -d
  --expose 52773
  --volume /InterSystems/durable/master:/data
  --env ISC_DATA_DIRECTORY=/data/sys
  --name iris-master
  --log $ISC_PACKAGE_INSTALLDIR/mgr/messages.log

Alternatively, you can use GUI container management tools to configure a container you want to deploy. For example, here's Portainer web interface, you can define volumes, variables, etc there:

it also allows browsing registry and inspecting your running containers among other things:

what do I need to have on a production host initially?

First of all you need to have:

  • FQDN
  • GitLab server
  • Docker Registry
  • InterSystems IRIS container inside your Docker Registry

They could be anywhere as long as they are accessible from production host.

After that on a production host (and on every separate host you want to use), you need to have:

  • Docker
  • GitLab Runner
  • Nginx reserve proxy container

After all these conditions are met you can create Continuous Delivery configuration in GitLab and it would build and deploy your container to production host.

In that case how Durable %SYS and Application data (USER NAMESPACE) appear on the production host for the first time? 

When InterSystems IRIS container is started in Durable %SYS mode, it checks directory for durable data, if it does not exist InterSystems IRIS creates it and copies the data from inside the container. If directory already exists and contains databases/config/etc then it's used.

By default InterSystems IRIS has all configs inside.

In my opinion schema-less data (NoSQL, dynamic objects, globals) does not particularly exist. All that happens when you create schema-less data structures is that data validation and enforcing schema becomes someone else problem. Usually that means application programmer. That's why if  possible, consider using strict schemas - the more assumptions about the data you can guarantee, the less validation client application need to do. Also process of data cleansing, reporting and so on become much easier.

That said there are some use cases where using schema-less data is the way to go:

  • For new applications/mock-up/PoC, when schema is unknown
  • When schema is very extensive and changes often
  • When speed is very important and data is retrieved by key (no complex queries)

To sum up, don't use schema if creating it and maintaining it would be a considerably more time-consuming affair than creating and maintaining application/reporting level data validation.

That said I see dynamic objects available in Caché mainly as a means to convert data from/to JSON.

With InterSystems IRIS we introduced DocDB - document database, based on dynamic objects, check it out.

Also mentioning @Stefan Wittmann.


1POST /test/ HTTP/1.1 

actually a part of the request body?

If so, it's invalid json and you need to remove it from request body. What does

do httpRequest.EntityBody.OutputToDevice()

shows right before  sending the request?

Other thought, iin property should be passed as string, not as number. To do that:

1. Create a class

Class MyApp.Request Extends %RegisteredObject {

Property iin As %String;

... other properties ...


2. After that instead of %ZEN.proxyObject use this object as a request body.

Note that %ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider:%WriteJSONStreamFromObject method has a pFormat argument, which defaults to aceloqtw in %ObjectToJSON method. One of the flags, q  means  output numeric values unquoted even when they come from a non-numeric property and you don't need that.

So your code should look something like this:

Set Object = ##class(MyApp.Request).%New()
Set Object.iin="123132132"
Set Object.firstName=name
Set Object.lastName=surname
Set Object.middleName=middlename
Set Object.birthDate=birthDate
Set Object.contractType="Z001"
Set sc = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider).%WriteJSONStreamFromObject(httpRequest.EntityBody, Object, , , , "aelotw")
Set sc = httpRequest.Post("", 2)

Minor note, you don't need this line, remove it (it may be causing your error):

set sc = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider).%ObjectToJSON(Object)

"Corrupt body: json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field CheckContractRequest.iin of type string". 

Where you get this error? This looks like an error you get from the server you send your request to.

Can you get output from

Set sc = httpRequest.Post("", 1) 

Set sc = httpRequest.Post("", 2)

And post it here.