I think you'll need a full fledged orchestrator for that. Docker run always starts one container, bit several volumes could be mounted, some of them RW, some RO. I'm not sure about mounting the same folder into several containers (again, orchestration).

You can also use volumes_from argument to mount directory from one container to another.

Redefine HTTP adapter like this:

Class Production.Adapter.HTTPOutboundAdapter Extends EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter

/// Send a POST to the configured Server, Port and URL, sending form data to the named form variables.
Method Post(Output pHttpResponse As %Net.HttpResponse, pFormVarNames As %String, pData...) As %Status

    quit ..SendFormDataArray(.pHttpResponse, "POST", ..GetRequest(), .pFormVarNames, .pData)

ClassMethod GetRequest() As %Net.HttpRequest
    set request = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
    set request.ContentType = "application/json"
    quit request


And use it instead of default adapter.

Speed comparison:

Class POI.Test

/// do ##class(POI.Test).main()
ClassMethod main(rounds As %Integer = 1000, size As %Integer = 10, nullPercent As %Integer = 20)
    set list = ..getList(size, nullPercent)
    write !,"Rounds: ", rounds
    write !,"Size: ", size
    write !,"NullPercent: ", nullPercent
    write !,"List: "
    zwrite list
    set ways = $lb("listnext", "listfind", "lfs", "base")
    for i=1:1:$ll(ways) {
        set way = $lg(ways, i)
        set start = $zh
        set list2 = $classmethod(,way, rounds, list)
        set end = $zh
        set time = end - start
        write !,"Way: ", way
        write !,"Time: ", time
        write !,"List: "
        zwrite list2
        write !

ClassMethod base(rounds As %Integer = 1000, list As %List) As %List
    for i=1:1:rounds {
        set origList = list
    quit origList

ClassMethod listfind(rounds As %Integer = 1000, list As %List)
    for i=1:1:rounds {
        set origList = list
        set ptr=0
        for  set ptr=$LISTFIND(origList, $c(0), ptr) quit:'ptr  set $LIST(origList, ptr, ptr)=$lb()
    quit origList

ClassMethod listnext(rounds As %Integer = 1000, list As %List)
    for i=1:1:rounds {
        set list2 = ""
        set ptr = 0
        while $listnext(list, ptr, elem) {
            if elem'=$C(0) {
                set list2 = list2 _ $LB(elem)
            } else {
                set list2 = list2 _ $LB()
    quit list2

ClassMethod lfs(rounds As %Integer = 1000, list As %List)
    for i=1:1:rounds {
        set str = $lts(list)
        set str = $tr(str, $c(0))
        set list2 = $lfs(str)    
    quit list2

ClassMethod getList(size As %Integer = 10, nullPercent As %Integer = 20) As %List
    set list = ""
    for i=1:1:size {
        set list = list _ $lb($select($random(101)<=nullPercent:$c(0),1:$random(50)))
    quit list


POI>do ##class(POI.Test).main(1000000)
Rounds: 1000000
Size: 10
NullPercent: 20
List: list=$lb(25,20,$c(0),$c(0),4,42,$c(0),28,44,3)
Way: listnext
Time: .944814
List: list2=$lb(25,20,,,4,42,,28,44,3)
Way: listfind
Time: .610244
List: list2=$lb(25,20,,,4,42,,28,44,3)
Way: lfs
Time: .430088
List: list2=$lb("25","20","","","4","42","","28","44","3")
Way: base
Time: .032151
List: list2=$lb(25,20,$c(0),$c(0),4,42,$c(0),28,44,3)

listfind solution seems optimal.