I'm in a process of acquiring a corpus of documents on educational courses.

For example there is an educational course called "OOP" and it can have documents from 2008, 2009, ... 2016 etc.
And there are a lot of these courses, each one with programs from different years (hopefully)

So 1 document is 1 programm of one course for one year.

I want to calculate how much does a course changes per year.

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I'm trying to make a simple hello world program for iKnow but the documentation only shows examples using the scripting language or XML XData.

The domain is already created and configured, what I hope for is to be able to work with the data in some high-level language.

Is it possible to do something like this:

int domainId = 1;
IKnow iknow = new IKnow( domainId );
List concepts = iknow.getTopConcepts();

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated!

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· Feb 26, 2016
No Namespaces found


I'm trying to use iKnow but I get the following error "No iKnow-enabled namespaces found" in the Management Portal.

It was working on the 2015.2.2 version but now on 2016.2.0 it doesn't. I very new to Caché and iKnow so it's probably a simple problem.

I was able to create a iKnow domain using the terminal and I can view it in the learning portal (http://localhost:57772/csp/sys/exp/_iKnow.UI.IndexingResults.zen).

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· Jun 26, 2017
iFind and HTML text

I have a class with text property, which contains html text (usually pieces, so it may be invalid), here's a sample value:

<div moreinfo="none">Word1 Word2</div><br>
<a href = "123" >Word3</a>

When I add iFind index on text, there are at least two problems:

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The iKnow documentation shows an example for adding sources to a domain after an initial loading of sources.

The example uses text files. However, our data is now in Cache SQL tables.

Is it possible to add sources from a Cache SQL table, and is there an example of how this is done?

Thank you.

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I created an iKnow domain, where I supplied dictionaries, blacklist, metadata and stemming. The datasource is a table.

I would like to use iFind semantic search feature. It is said in the documentation that iFind use iKnow semantic analysis. But I want iFind to use the iKnow domain configuration I created earlier earlier. How can I do that ?


Jack Abdo.

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My group and I are currently doing a research project on natural language processing and iKnow plays a big role in this project. I am aware that the algorithms iKnow use aren't public, and I respect that.

My question is, are there any public documents/research that explains, at least part of, the algorthims iKnow uses and the motivations for using them?

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I have a class which, in the previous instance, was able to extract metadata field names and data from a text file, and load this information into a domain. I am trying to run this in the field test instance, but it is not loading the metadata - only the field names. I am not getting an error, but the data is not loaded.

The few changes I made to the original class:

Previously, this class also ran iTables. I commented all that code out.

To create the domain, I replaced the line:

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I am trying to create an iKnow domain programmatically like:

    Set dom = ##class(%iKnow.Domain).%New("TestDom")
    Do  dom.SetParameter("DefaultConfig", "MyConfiguration")
    Set sc = dom.%Save()


Although "MyConfiguration" sets the language to "ja", i.e. Japanese, it doesn't seem to be respected, and what I see on the top right pane in Knowledge Portal is related concepts, instead of proximity profiles, which I expect to see in Japanese language mode.

Also resulting segmentation of sentences looks to be it is in English mode.

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We use iKnow's GetSimilar for decision making. Right now we have a domain with both good and bad documents and using GetSimilar we want to see if a document is more similar to the good ones or the bad ones. To do this we simply compare the weighted average of the score from the good ones and the bad ones that GetSimilar returns.

The problem is that GetSimilar doesn't always return the score to all other documents. Assuming we have 50 documents I would expect the following result:

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I have iKnow domain of forum posts, their full text is an iKnow data, and each post also has a number of views as a metadata field.

I want to get a sum of views by concept. Let's say I have a concept called "TESTEST" and there are 10 sources that have this concept. Each source has some views. I want to get views total - impact of this concept so to say.

What's the best iKnow architecture for this use case?

So far I got this:

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I have a SQL Query using %iFind.Highlight which returns text highlighting certain words and phrases. %iFind.Highlight seems to remove cr/lf from the returned text.

Here's my query

ClassMethod Search(pSessionId As %String, pSearchString As %String) As %String
set tTags="<span style='background-color:yellow;'>"
SELECT %iFind.Highlight(Text , :pSearchString , , :tTags) into :results
FROM SSA_OCR.TempSearchable where sessionId = :pSessionId)
quit results

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In Cache'/Ensemble, by specifying the objectsPackage parameter, dictionaries (and other objects) get projected to tables that can be accessed by SQL queries.

But in IRIS (IRIS for UNIX (Ubuntu Server LTS for x86-64 Containers) 2019.1 (Build 507U) Mon Feb 25 2019 13:47:16 EST), when I created a dictionary with ##class(%iKnow.Matching.DictionaryAPI).CreateDictionary(), it does not get projected to a table.

The class APIs correctly retrieve information about this dictionary.

Am I missing something with IRIS, or is there any issues about this?

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· Mar 29, 2016
iKnow Architect - metadata


I am experimenting with the iKnow Domain Architect in the 2016.2 field test.

I would like to know if it is possible to load metadata from text files. This was possible in previous versions, using the Loading Wizard.

I have checked the documentation and I do not see any explanation for loading metadata held in text files. Thank you!

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