
The InterSystems DBMS has a built-in technology for working with non-structured data called iKnow and a full-text search technology called iFind. We decided to take a dive into both and make something useful. As the result, we have DocSearch — a web application for searching in InterSystems documentation using iKnow and iFind.

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Hi, Community!

Please find a new session recording from Global Summit 2017:

Catching Bad Guys with iFind and REST
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Hello All,

what is the best method for search a portion of text in a non-indexed global?

I need to implement an autocomplete kind of search, in a global of >1M registers (text type, not $lb)

Maybe the best way would be use a SQL mapped class, with 'Bitmap' indexes?

Thanks in advance!

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· Jun 26, 2017
iFind and HTML text

I have a class with text property, which contains html text (usually pieces, so it may be invalid), here's a sample value:

<div moreinfo="none">Word1 Word2</div><br>
<a href = "123" >Word3</a>

When I add iFind index on text, there are at least two problems:

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