I have below method , which receives a PDF ; this method throws error for a PDF file of 3MB size

<MAXSTRING>zBase64Encode+9 -- logged as '-' number - @' set encodedData = $system.Encryption.Base64Encode(content)'

How do I fix this.


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I have an SQL table as below (columns - ID and Value)

I will get an ID number (first column) as an input from FTP inbound , and after that I have to query table taking ID as an input to get all the values for the ID

as -

if ID = 11 ; QRY output = aaa,bbb

if ID = 22 ; QRY output = xxx,yyy,zzz

can someone help me with query

ID Value
11 aaa
22 xxx
22 yyy
11 bbb
22 zzz

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Hi Guys,

I'm using the following to display JSON content in an areatextbox, but I would like to change a value in my JSON before displaying it in my areabox?

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We are doing healthcare interface development.

Developers have Ensemble installed locally on their laptops - code will be developed locally then deployed to integration, test/UAT and ultimately production servers in due course.

One of the other applications we are developing around happens to utilise an Iris desktop client to a remote Iris server. We want to have the application available on the developers laptops alongside the local Ensemble instance.

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Hi All ,

I would like to add session ID to the fileName in an FTP out pass thru business operation.
How can I do that ?

<Setting Target="Host" Name="Filename">SessionID_%f_%Q.txt</Setting>

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