Database systems have very specific backup requirements that in enterprise deployments require forethought and planning. For database systems, the operational goal of a backup solution is to create a copy of the data in a state that is equivalent to when application is shut down gracefully. Application consistent backups meet these requirements and Caché provides a set of APIs that facilitate the integration with external solutions to achieve this level of backup consistency.

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Last week saw the launch of the InterSystems IRIS Data Platform in sunny California.

For the engaging eXPerience Labs (XP-Labs) training sessions, my first customer and favourite department (Learning Services), was working hard assisting and supporting us all behind the scene.

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I am designing the software architecture for an Ensemble/Healthshare production to be deployed on Amazon AWS EC2 servers (2 mirrored m4.large - 4 vCPUs / 16 GiB RAM running RedHat Linux 3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64 and Healthshare for RHEL 64-bit 2016.2.1). It's a rather CPU-intensive production involving massive XSLT 2.0 transformations (massive both in terms of size and volume). I was wondering if anyone has experience configuring Ensemble productions on EC2 servers. My question or concern has to do with the following statement in the Ensemble documentation:

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Hi, Community!

This week we have two videos. Check all new session recordings from Global Summit 2017:

1. Containers for InterSystems Technologies
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Hi, Community!

This week we have two videos. Check all new videos on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

1. What is InterSystems Cloud Manager?
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This video provides an introduction to InterSystems Cloud Manager (ICM) and its capabilities.

2. Instant Gratification: Pick Your Cloud
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This summer the Database Platforms department here at InterSystems tried out a new approach to our internship program. We hired 10 bright students from some of the top colleges in the US and gave them the autonomy to create their own projects which would show off some of the new features of the InterSystems IRIS Data Platform. The team consisting of Ruchi Asthana, Nathaniel Brennan, and Zhe “Lily” Wang used this opportunity to develop a smart review analysis engine, which they named Lumière. As they explain:

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Hi Community!

Check the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Tier 1 Applications in a Virtual Environment
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Hi Community!

Please find the Developer Community Video of the week:

Failover for Cloud and Wide-Area Networks
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