
Clear filter
Token Ibragimov · Feb 22, 2019

how to convert JSON to object in cache 2010 version

" |%data("expires_in") = 3300 |%data("refresh_token") = "" | %data("scope") = "sms_send" |%data("token_type") = "Bearer" | %index
Goran Stefanovic · Dec 12, 2018

GROUP BY causes NativeError: [10053

by field1This is not the final solution but a way to understand the limits of your server.BTW:an index on field1 might be useful anyhowExampleIndex ff on field1 [ DATA = filed2
Norman W. Freeman · Jan 19, 2023

Why is node ordering different between two environments

and have a new collation.Some time back I set that to have different index collations forGerman, Hungarian, Italian, French, Slovenian, ...see my post Multi Language Sort
Arpitha Ramakrishnaiah · May 11, 2017

Compare and update two directories\namespaces for class files

classes quick-and-dirty : you can have a look at the global ^oddDEF. It contains the class definition of all classes : methods, properties, indexes, storage etc. are all in this global
Stella Ticker · May 12, 2017

Using multiple processes to process a single file

to a global will take under 5 minutes.In which case you have a serious bottleneck going on such as a poor referential integrity check. If this is not indexed or tuned then you
Kevin Furze · Sep 13, 2017

is there a reverse version of $listNext

values in the $ListBuild list by skipping that index in the integer-subscripted array): ``` Kill tArray Set tPointer = 0 While $ListNext(tInputList,tPointer,tValue) { If $Data
Niklas Thilmont · Mar 14, 2022

Executing Actions on Global Interaction / Global Hooks

described in this set of training slides: The only way you could accomplish this is by watching
Vadim Aniskin · Feb 27, 2023

InterSystems Ideas News #4

location for job opportunities section on DC Searchable Index of New Features Set password through environment variable Schedule the article publication on DC site Support JSON
Scott Roth · Mar 18, 2022

EnsLib.HL7.Message Querying

statement. I know EnsLib.HL7.Message is a system table, but is there a way we can add additional Indexes to the table to make the query run better/faster without affecting the system
Andy Stobirski · Apr 21, 2022

Using host variables with embedded SQL isn't working for me

,! if this is inside a method add [ProcedureBlock = 0] to the method maybe try adding %NOINDEX to your where clauses in case you have an index issue. When I do that, it returns 0
Steven Henry Suhendra · Sep 27, 2023

How To Get 1 Data from List in SQL

%Persistent { Property propertyList As list Of %String(MAXLEN = 100) [ Required ]; Index ListIdx On List(ELEMENTS); } You can extract information using: SELECT * FROM
Muhammad Waseem · Jul 6, 2023


, and indexes, the Builder makes it possible for data analysts to query FHIR data without the complexity of learning FHIRPath or the FHIR search syntax.The repository will load FHIR
Nicola Sartore · Nov 5, 2021

Iterate over an SQL result set

cursor index. While (result.%Previous() > 0) { // Do nothing. } // Show get column data again. While (result.%Next()) { Wrtie result.%GetData(1) } Can we not loop
Matthias Ruckenbauer · Aug 29, 2019

linked table (ODBC), %New() -> %Save

and the generated class has an Index MainIndex On id [ IdKey ]; which looks fine to me. The storage is Storage GSQLStorage { <StreamLocation>^remote.SomeDataAccessS
Jeffrey Drumm · Jun 1, 2021

Storing a %DynamicObject

I've been tasked with an interface that needs to supply some additional metadata for the indexing of HL7v2 messages. After toying with a couple of ideas, I thought that it would