· Dec 21, 2022

what is the time complexity of list operations?

what is the big O of $lf, $lg, $li, $lts and list concatenation by "_"

Product version: IRIS 2022.1
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the original example(first) likely isn't the best test as all of the elements are 1 character long.  My understanding is $LB data is an encoded string with the first part of the encoding containing the length of the data for an individual element.  Getting the length means you can jump a number of characters to the next element.  On the other hand $Piece does a character-by-character scan.  

ClassMethod Test() As %Status
	#dim tSC 			As %Status=$$$OK
	#dim eException  	As %Exception.AbstractException
	try {
		set tStart=$ZH
		for x=1:1:1000000 {
			Set a=$LB("sdfdkjfdjklfdjklfdjklfds","dlkfdjklfgjklfgjklfgjklfgjkl","fdklfdsjkljklfgjkfgjkfg") Set b=$LG(a,2)
		Write !,"List Duration: ",$zh-tStart
		set tStart=$ZH
		for x=1:1:1000000 {
			Set a="sdfdkjfdjklfdjklfdjklfds_dlkfdjklfgjklfgjklfgjklfgjkl_fdklfdsjkljklfgjkfgjkfg" Set b=$P(a,"_",2)
		Write !,"Piece Duration: ",$zh-tStart
		set tStart=$ZH
		for x=1:1:1000000 {
			Set a=$LB("sdfdkjfdjklfdjklfdjklfds","dlkfdjklfgjklfgjklfgjklfgjkl","fdklfdsjkljklfgjkfgjkfg") Set b=$LG(a,3)
		Write !,"List Duration Getting last element: ",$zh-tStart
		set tStart=$ZH
		for x=1:1:1000000 {
			Set a="sdfdkjfdjklfdjklfdjklfds_dlkfdjklfgjklfgjklfgjklfgjkl_fdklfdsjkljklfgjkfgjkfg" Set b=$P(a,"_",3)
		Write !,"Piece Duration Geting last element: ",$zh-tStart
	catch eException {
		Set tSC=eException.AsStatus()
	Quit tSC

at the same time I'd much rather deal with $List and not have to worry about escaping delimeters.

If you make a loooonnnnng $piece-delimited string, and a lonnnnnnnnng $list, and you loop 1000000 times, accessing random pieces and random $list items, and sum up the time, and divide by 1000000, you'll find that for access, $lists are faster than delimited strings. At least that's what I saw when $list first appeared. But my mentor from that time said "Yes Joel, they are faster, but $list was added to ObjectScript so that we wouldn't have to worry anymore about delimiters, and sub-delimiters, and sub-sub-delimiters, etc."

The bad news is,
you have to be careful when you adapt delimited list to $list(). A stubborn change from a delimited list to $list() can become dangerous. The reason:

set $piece(var,del,1) = value // piece 1 of var is ALWAYS a string
set $list(var,1)      = value // listitem 1 is either a number or a string

kill x set $piece(x,",",1) = 100+1 write $zhex($p(x,",")) --> 257
kill x set $list(x,1)      = 100+1 write $zhex($li(x,1))  --> 65

kill x set $piece(x,",",1) = 100 write $zhex($p(x,",")) --> 256
kill x set $list(x,1)      = 100 write $zhex($li(x,1))  --> 64

kill x set $piece(x,",",1) = "100" write $zhex($p(x,",")) --> 256
kill x set $list(x,1)      = "100" write $zhex($li(x,1))  --> 256

In other words, $list() retains the type of the expression whereas $piece() always converts it to a string.

The good news is,
there are just a few situations, where this could cause a problem, to tell the truth, in a nutshell, I can only think of two possibilities: $zhex() and $zboolean(). But who knows, what a mad programmer accomplish...