· Jan 14, 2023

Meet the Global Masters Winners for December 2022!

It's time to announce the Winners for December! Please welcome our awesome Global Masters Heroes!

The storm of applause goes to these developers and their great contribution to DC in December:

🥇 @Cristiano.Silva InterSystems Developer at First Line Software

🥈 @Iryna.Mykhailova , Associate professor, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

🥉 @Rob Schoenmakers , Integration specialist at SInt Maartenskliniek


Learn more about the competition and our awesome winners below.

About @Cristiano.Silva 

  • 📝 1 post and 11 comments on DC
  • 🎓 5 accepted answers
  • 🏅 Gold Master of Answers Badge for 50 accepted answers on DC

Congratulations, Cristiano! 🌟

"I'm 42 years old. I'm a Bachelor in Information Systems.
I have a best friend called Pedro Migue. My son, a little boy of 12 years old.
Dynamic, proactive, work synergistically in teams, always looking for knowledge and challenges.
I have 22 years of experience in the IT area, from these 22 years 20 years working with InterSystems Technologies. I have the following certificates: InterSystems IRIS Core Solutions Developer Specialist and HealthShare Health Connect HL7® Interface Specialist.
✅ Experience in health projects in the implementation of SGH Trakcare by InterSystems and Cerner Millenium, some projects were: PMTUAS Government of the Federal District - Brasilia Brazil,  Project Vital Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein - São Paulo Brazil, More Health Occidente SSMOC - Santiago de Chile Chile
Participation in Projects with TIBCO Spotfire for clients such as Renault, Nissan - Paraná, Brazil,  RCI Argentina and Brazil, Odebrecht Oil and Gas -Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Ultragaz - São Paulo, Brazil.
Participation in Analytics Projects with Tableau and Power BI.
Diverse knowledge of programming languages such as: Java, C#, C, C++, Visual Basic, Java Script, SQL, COS (Caché Object Script), R, Python, Docker, Angular
Others skills: Business Intelligence; Data Analytics; Solution Architecture Design; Development of Systems Integrations; Web development; Research in new technologies.
My actual position is: InterSystems Developer at First Line Software.


🔗 Connect with Cristiano on LinkedIn now to boost your network

About @Iryna.Mykhailova

  • 📝 5 articles and 6 comments on DC
  • 🔄 2 translations of articles on DC
  • 🏅Insightful Author Badge for 50 votes to the posts on DC
  • 🏅Blogger Badge for 10 articles on DC

🤩 Congratulations, Iryna! 

🔗Connect with Iryna on Developer Community now to boost your network!

About @Rob Schoenmakers

  • 📝 4 articles and 3 comments on DC
  • 👍 1 review on Trust Radius
  • 🏅InterSystems Researcher Badge for the first question on DC

🤩 Congratulations, Rob! 

🔗Connect with Rob on Developer Community now to boost your network!

Thanks to all the winners for your constant great contribution to InterSystems Developer Community! 

Let's congratulate our Heroes in the comments below!

About Global Master of the Month competition on Global Masters Advocate Hub: we nominate advocates every month who have gone the extra mile by being highly engaged in the Global Masters and Developer Community. Winners get 1000 points and a special badge. We also offer for winners to publish their bio – now in the article on the Developer Community! 

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