· Oct 25

Language preference in Management Portal

The IRIS Management Portal is localized (translated) for some (many?) languages and the language used by the Management Portal interface is determined by the browser settings, often derived from the OS settings (can be changed).

This means that if a user, like me, want to use ONLY the English version of the Management Portal, each and every time you login you need to change the language. VERY annoying.

I know I can change the language configured in Browser, BUT, I want to use English for the IRIS management portal non for all my internet activity!

I feel uncomfortable using the localized version of the portal, the translation is often confusing.

Do not forget that while the portal is localized, ALL the documentation is available only in English, making it difficult for users, particularly new users, to match the documentation with the portal translation.

IMO, the ideal solution would be to add on option in the user definition where the Management Portal language can be forced, with default to "Browser language"

I have the feeling that it's hard for InterSystems developers to understand this issue we, international/foreign users, are facing simply because....they don't have this issue, so I feel they consider this unimportant.

I wanted to add this in our ideas portal but, not surprisingly, I found an existing entry similar to my idea, that I encourage to vote:

Remember Preferred language selection for Management Portal "forever"

For other non English (browser language 😊) users, what's your opinion? Do you often or always switch the Management Portal language to English?

Discussion (6)5
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