· Jan 27, 2020

IRIS supports of Python and C++

I cannot find those folders under my IRIS install dev folder.  Those were in my cache install dev folder.

Will InterSystems drop those support?  If yes, why are there some discussion about Python/Iris in this forum?

Of course, I wish IS continue to support those.

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In Caché, the dev/cpp and dev/python directories contain the C++ and Python bindings, respectively. As far as I know, these are not available for InterSystems IRIS. They were shipped as source, so maybe they would work with IRIS? I doubt that it's been tested.

The dev/iris-callin directory contains the headers for the C callin API. This includes files that are compatible with programs written using headers that are shipped with Caché in the dev/cache/callin directory.

You are correct that callin is not a replacement for the C++ binding. Callin is a lower-level API that only works for a local instance. The C++ binding has two flavors: the light C++ binding (LCB), which depends on callin, and the full C++ binding, which depends on the ODBC driver.

It's not clear to me from your questions how you're currently using C++. Do you actually have an existing C++ binding application, or are you writing something new with a requirement to use C++? I suggest that you get in touch with your friendly InterSystems representative in Support or Sales Engineering to help you find the best path forward.

That said, I was curious about whether the C++ binding from Caché can be used with InterSystems IRIS. Although I've never used this API on purpose, I was able to get it working after a fashion with a few modifications. I presume this is not supported by InterSystems, and I would hesitate to use it in production. The following overview describes my experiment using the C++ binding SDK from a Caché 2018.1.4 kit for lnxrhx64 with the Community edition of IRIS 2020.3.0 in a container. Apologies for any copy-paste mistakes. I started this on a lark, and didn't take very good notes.

I installed g++, make, and vim in the container:

$ docker exec -it --user root cppbind bash
root:/home/irisowner# apt update && apt install -y g++ make vim

I extracted cppsdk-lnxrhx64.tar.gz, and found that the C++ binding uses dlsym() and dlopen() to call entry points in the ODBC driver library. (Search for the init_pfn macro in odbc_common.cpp.) These are still present in the IRIS library, as you can see with the nm command:

$ docker exec -it cppbind bash
irisowner:~$ nm /usr/irissys/bin/ |grep cpp_
000000000005cf90 T cpp_binding_alloc_messenger
000000000005dd40 T cpp_binding_clear_odbc_cache

I changed the ODBCLIBNAME symbol in libcppbind.mak from the libcacheodbciw Caché driver library to the libirisodbciw35 IRIS driver library.

I changed the Caché "CacheUni" symbols to the IRIS "ServerUni" symbols. For those three symbols, instead of

*((void**)(&(func))) = dlsym(dll_handle, #func);

You want something like this, where name is the new name of the symbol in the IRIS driver:

*((void**)(&(func))) = dlsym(dll_handle, #name);

I did the same for the ODBC 2.x SQLColAttributesW() function, which has been replaced by the ODBC 3.x SQLColAttributeW() function.

I fixed an apparent bug in obj_types.h by marking get_cs_handle() const and cs_handle mutable. I didn't spend much time investigating, so I'm not certain that this is the best fix.

I then built the C++ binding:

irisowner:~/dev/cpp/src/modules/cpp/lnxrhx64$ make

It appears that the cpp_generator utility is only shipped as a binary, which obviously doesn't have any of these changes, so it won't work with an IRIS driver library. However, I was able to do a simple test using Dyn_obj:

#include <iostream>
#include "cppbind.h"

using namespace InterSystems;

    auto conn = tcp_conn::connect(
        "localhost[1972]:USER", "_system", "SYS");
    Database db{conn};
    d_string res;
    Dyn_obj::run_class_method(&db, L"%SYSTEM.Util", L"CreateGUID",
        nullptr, 0, &res);
    std::cout << res.value() << std::endl;

    return 0;

I compiled and ran the test program like so:

$ docker exec -it cppbind bash
irisowner:~$ g++ -o cppbindtest cppbindtest.cpp -I dev/cpp/include \
    -L dev/cpp/src/kit/lnxrhx64/release/bin -lcppbind
irisowner:~$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/irisowner/dev/cpp/src/kit/lnxrhx64/release/bin:/usr/irissys/bin
irisowner:~$ ./cppbindtest 


Yes, I took windows' cache 2017's odbc library and run the code again iris 2020.1 using your example, it works.

Now the question is if I can continue using my code compiled with cache 2017 for iris?

I don't know docker almost.  It is hard to follow your example.  I don't know how to install g++, vim, make on the docker container.  So I gave up.  But you indeed gave me light.

Thanks a lot!

I wasn't sure whether the Caché ODBC driver works with IRIS. Even if it does now, it's not guaranteed to do so in the future. I did find that the C++ binding SDK appears to include everything you need to generate proxy classes. You just need to call Generator::gen_classes() in generator.cpp.

Again, everything I've described is an unsupported hack. If a C++ binding application is holding up an upgrade from Caché to IRIS, let your Support or Sales Engineering rep. know.