· May 20, 2016

How to completely scratch a previously existing Caché installation?


I am trying to install Caché 2016 on a Debian Jessie machine; so I downloaded the latest release from WRC, OS RHEL x86_64, in tarball format.

I untarred it, then launched cinstall; unfortunately a library was missing. I then elected to kill all the processes (which wasn't easy), remove the two users created, and start again.

Unfortunately, for some reason, when I relaunch the install again, the install process still detects the old instance which I installed previously... And I cannot find where this information came from (I removed the install directory by hand entirely).

Where is this information located?

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Hi Francis

if you just want to test things, develop or even go into production without all these issues, why not give Docker containers a try?

You'll never be pulling your hair again for these type of issues. You container comes installed (Dockerfile); you just spin it up and when you're done you just dispose of it.

However, you'll have other hair-pulling moments for other things but by then you'll be so deep into DevOps, learning and collaboration that you won't notice it :-)

Seriously, though, it's a great technology for some perfectly fitting use cases, even production if you embrace microservices and you'll be able to run a CentOS, RH, SUSE or Ubuntu container on your Debian Jessie without a glitch.