· Apr 26, 2021

Global Masters: new badges for translations introduced

Hi Community, you asked and here they are - badges for translations on Global Masters! 

Badge's Name


DC Translator 

Given for 1 translation

2nd Advocate level


Counted translations from English to all other language versions of Developer Community. 

  • Positive rating (votes up) or zero votes
  • Posts from the Developer Community Feedback group are not counted.
  • Please note, there are 3-days delay between published translation and awarded badge.

Advanced Translator

Given for 5 translations

3rd Specialist level 


Bronze Translator 

Given for 15 translations

4th Expert level


Silver Translator

Given for 25 translations

5th Ambassador level


Gold Translator

Given for 50 translations

6th VIP level



<--break->You can find all levels and badges at the Global Masters Advocate Hub here:

1. Click on your profile picture at the top right corner > click on your name
2. Click on the "See available badges" to view all the badges and levels of the program


Please check the additional information about Global Masters:

If you have not joined InterSystems Global Masters Advocacy Hub yet, let's get started right now! yes

Feel free to ask your questions in the comments to this post.

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