· Jan 7, 2019

The Best InterSystems Data Platform Articles in 2018, Digest


Here is the digest of the best articles on InterSystems Data Platforms you published in 2018!

And here are three best articles for the year (criteria is the number of views):

First place: K-Means clustering of the Iris Dataset, by Niyaz Khafizov  1564 views

Second place: Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab - Part I: Git, by Eduard Lebedyuk  1206 views

Third place: Replacing ZEN - Part 1 - Introduction, by Peter Cooper  933 views

Congrats to authors!

The best articles by InterSystems Data Platforms.

InterSystems IRIS

First place: K-Means clustering of the Iris Dataset, by Niyaz Khafizov  1564

Second place: Container - What is a Container?, by Luca Ravazzolo  896

Third place: Using InterSystems IRIS Containers with Docker for Windows, by Bob Binstock  535


First place: Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab - Part I: Git, by Eduard Lebedyuk  1206

Second place: Replacing ZEN - Part 1 - Introduction, by Peter Cooper  933

Third place: REST Design and Development, by Eduard Lebedyuk  900


First place: Sending Alerts to Mobile Phone using Pushover from HTTP.OutboundAdapter by @Mark Connelly

Second place: Sending Alerts from Ensemble via Telegram, by Nikolay Soloviev  

Third place: Send digest emails for workflow tasks with Publish/Subscribe by Eduard Lebedyuk 

Though I'm not eligible for the competition my article gathered a solid audience too: Class vs Routine in ObjectScript. What Do You Use And Why? with 1,270 views.

Please see top-20 articles about InterSystems Data Platforms of 2018 below by views, votes, and comments.

Most viewed

K-Means clustering of the Iris Dataset, by Niyaz Khafizov  1564

Class vs Routine in ObjectScript. What Do You Use And Why?, by Evgeny Shvarov  1270

Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab - Part I: Git, by Eduard Lebedyuk  1206

Replacing ZEN - Part 1 - Introduction, by Peter Cooper  933

REST Design and Development, by Eduard Lebedyuk  900

Container - What is a Container?, by Luca Ravazzolo  896

About the RemoteSystemsTempFiles project in Eclipse / Atelier, by Nicole Aaron  858

For and If with one line: to brace or not to brace, by Evgeny Shvarov  821

Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab - Part II: GitLab workflow, by Eduard Lebedyuk  723

Storage Performance Series - NetApp All-Flash FAS (AFF) A300, by Mark Bolinsky  697

Language features that you really should know from day 1, by Sean Connelly  626

Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab - Part VI: Containers infrastructure, by Eduard Lebedyuk  621

GraphQL for InterSystems Data Platforms, by Gevorg Arutunyan  596

A sneak peek of Global Summit 2018, by Stefan Wittmann  593

Abnormal programming with InterSystems, by Dmitry Maslennikov  591

Replacing ZEN - Index to articles, by Peter Cooper  583

Using InterSystems IRIS Containers with Docker for Windows, by Bob Binstock  535

Container - What is a Container IMAGE?, by Luca Ravazzolo  525

Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab - Index, by Eduard Lebedyuk  525

Recommendations on installing the InterSystems Caché DBMS for production environment, by Sergey Mikhailenko  518

Most voted

Replacing ZEN - Part 1 - Introduction, by Peter Cooper  15

Replacing ZEN - Part 3 - Progress to date 01, by Peter Cooper  14

Replacing ZEN - Index to articles, by Peter Cooper  12

Replacing ZEN - Part 2 - Strategic Issues, by Peter Cooper  12

Abnormal programming with InterSystems, by Dmitry Maslennikov  12

Translate a number to text, by Francisco López  11

GraphQL for InterSystems Data Platforms, by Gevorg Arutunyan  11

Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab - Part I: Git, by Eduard Lebedyuk  9

Serialize and Deserialize objects to JSON (or whatever) format, by Jose-Tomas Salvador  9

Sharding evaluation #1, by Robert Cemper  9

IRIS API Explorer Application, by David Reche  9

Atelier - Debugging - Attach to the process, by Fabio Goncalves  8

Minimum Monitoring and Alerting Solution, by Murray Oldfield  8

Sending Alerts from Ensemble via Telegram, by Nikolay Soloviev  8

Manual Setup of Sharding, by Robert Cemper  8

Using InterSystems IRIS Containers with Docker for Windows, by Bob Binstock  8

The way to launch Apache Spark + Apache Zeppelin + InterSystems IRIS , by Niyaz Khafizov  8

Execute Server Commands from Caché / Ensemble / IRIS, by Robert Cemper  8

A story from support - how the quest for a raw DEFLATE compression/decompression function leads to a Node callout server by REST, by Bernd Mueller  7

The adopted Bitmap, by Robert Cemper  7

Most commented

Class vs Routine in ObjectScript. What Do You Use And Why?, by Evgeny Shvarov  43

For and If with one line: to brace or not to brace, by Evgeny Shvarov  40

Container - What is a Container?, by Luca Ravazzolo  20

A sneak peek of Global Summit 2018, by Stefan Wittmann  15

Routine that converts indices to bitmap indices, by Gevorg Arutunyan  13

Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab - Part IX: Container architecture, by Eduard Lebedyuk  13

Language features that you really should know from day 1, by Sean Connelly  13

Translate a number to text, by Francisco López  12

Replacing ZEN - Part 2 - Strategic Issues, by Peter Cooper  11

What Are You Using For Issue Tracking?, by Evgeny Shvarov  10

Replacing ZEN - Part 1 - Introduction, by Peter Cooper  9

DNI functions, by PILAR GUERRERO  9

Distributing Library Packages: Percent (%) classes vs %ALL namespace, by Evgeny Shvarov  8

M:N Relationship, by Robert Cemper  8

Atelier 1.2 has landed!, by John Murray  8

Routine to Parse Options in Args Array, by Gevorg Arutunyan  8

Caché eXTreme for .NET - direct access to globals from C#, by Irene Mikhaylova  8

Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab - Part VII: CD using containers, by Eduard Lebedyuk  7

Copy part of the properties to another object, by Francisco López  6

GraphQL for InterSystems Data Platforms, by Gevorg Arutunyan  6

Thanks for your contribution!

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Also, see the best articles of 2017