· May 10, 2018 9m read

Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab - Part VII: CD using containers

In this series of articles, I'd like to present and discuss several possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab. I will cover such topics as:

  • Git 101
  • Git flow (development process)
  • GitLab installation
  • GitLab Workflow
  • Continuous Delivery
  • GitLab installation and configuration
  • GitLab CI/CD
  • Why containers?
  • Containers infrastructure
  • CD using containers

In the first article, we covered Git basics, why a high-level understanding of Git concepts is important for modern software development, and how Git can be used to develop software.

In the second article, we covered GitLab Workflow - a complete software life cycle process and Continuous Delivery.

In the third article, we covered GitLab installation and configuration and connecting your environments to GitLab

In the fourth article, we wrote a CD configuration.

In the fifth article, we talked about containers and how (and why) they can be used.

In the sixth article let's discuss main components you'll need to run a continuous delivery pipeline with containers and how they all work together.

In this article, we'll build Continuous Delivery configuration discussed in the previous articles.


In our Continuous Delivery configuration we would:

  • Push code into GitLab repository
  • Build docker image
  • Test it
  • Publish image to our docker registry
  • Swap old container with the new version from the registry

Or in graphical format:

Let's start.


First, we need to build our image.

Our code would be, as usual, stored in the repository, CD configuration in gitlab-ci.yml but in addition (to increase security) we would store several server-specific files on a build server.


Contains CD hooks code. It was developed in the previous article and available on GitHub. This is a small library to load code, run various hooks and test code. As a preferable alternative, you can use git submodules to include this project or something similar into your repository. Submodules are better because it's easier to keep them up to date. One other alternative would be tagging releases on GitLab and loading them with ADD command.


License key. Alternatively, it can be downloaded during container build rather than stored on a server. It's rather insecure to store in the repository.


File containing default password. Again, it's rather insecure to store it in the repository. Also, if you're hosting prod environment on a separate server it could have a different default password.


Initial script, it:

  • Enables OS authentication
  • Loads GitLab.xml
  • Initializes GitLab utility settings
  • Loads the code

set sc = ##Class(Security.System).Get("SYSTEM",.Properties)
write:('sc) $System.Status.GetErrorText(sc)
set AutheEnabled = Properties("AutheEnabled")
set AutheEnabled = $zb(+AutheEnabled,16,7)
set Properties("AutheEnabled") = AutheEnabled
set sc = ##Class(Security.System).Modify("SYSTEM",.Properties)
write:('sc) $System.Status.GetErrorText(sc)
zn "USER"
do ##class(%SYSTEM.OBJ).Load(##class(%File).ManagerDirectory() _ "GitLab.xml","cdk")
do ##class(isc.git.Settings).setSetting("hooks", "MyApp/Hooks/")
do ##class(isc.git.Settings).setSetting("tests", "MyApp/Tests/")
do ##class(isc.git.GitLab).load()

Note that the first line is intentionally left empty.

As some settings can be server-specific, it's stored not in the repository, but rather separately. If this initial hook is always the same, you can just store it in the repository.


Now, to Continuous Delivery configuration:

build image:
  stage: build
    - test
    - cp -r /InterSystems/mount ci
    - cd ci
    - echo 'SuperUser' | cat - pwd.txt load_ci.script > temp.txt
    - mv temp.txt load_ci.script
    - cd ..
    - docker build --build-arg CI_PROJECT_DIR=$CI_PROJECT_DIR -t$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME .

What is going on here?

First of all, as docker build can access only subdirectories of a base build directory - in our case repository root, we need to copy our "secret" directory (the one with GitLab.xml, iris.keypwd.txt and load_ci.script) into the cloned repository.

Next, first terminal access requires a user/pass so we'd add them to load_ci.script (that's what empty line at the beginning of load_ci.script is for btw).

Finally, we build docker image and tag it appropriately:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME

where $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME is the name of a current branch. Note that the first part of the image tag should be named same as project name in GitLab, so it could be seen in GitLab Registry tab (instructions on tagging are available in Registry tab).


Building docker image is done using Dockerfile, here it is:


ENV SRC_DIR=/tmp/src


 && cp $CI_DIR/GitLab.xml $ISC_PACKAGE_INSTALLDIR/mgr/ \
 && $ISC_PACKAGE_INSTALLDIR/dev/Cloud/ICM/ $CI_DIR/pwd.txt \
 && irissession $ISC_PACKAGE_INSTANCENAME -U%SYS < $CI_DIR/load_ci.script \
 && iris stop $ISC_PACKAGE_INSTANCENAME quietly

We start from the basic iris container.

First of all, we copy our repository (and "secret" directory) inside the container.

Next, we copy license key and GitLab.xml to mgr directory.

Then we change the password to the value from pwd.txt. Note that pwd.txt is deleted in this operation.

After that, the instance is started and load_ci.script is executed.

Finally, iris instance is stopped.

Here's the job log (partial, skipped load/compilation logs):

Running with gitlab-runner 10.6.0 (a3543a27)
  on docker 7b21e0c4
Using Shell executor...
Running on docker...
Fetching changes...
Removing ci/
Removing temp.txt
HEAD is now at 5ef9904 Build load_ci.script
   5ef9904..9753a8d  master     -> origin/master
Checking out 9753a8db as master...
Skipping Git submodules setup
$ cp -r /InterSystems/mount ci
$ cd ci
$ echo 'SuperUser' | cat - pwd.txt load_ci.script > temp.txt
$ mv temp.txt load_ci.script
$ cd ..
$ docker build --build-arg CI_PROJECT_DIR=$CI_PROJECT_DIR -t$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  401.4kB

Step 1/6 : FROM
 ---> cd2e53e7f850
Step 2/6 : ENV SRC_DIR=/tmp/src
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 68ba1cb00aff
Step 3/6 : ENV CI_DIR=$SRC_DIR/ci
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 6784c34a9ee6
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 3757fa88a28a
Step 5/6 : COPY ./ $SRC_DIR
 ---> 5515e13741b0
Step 6/6 : RUN cp $CI_DIR/iris.key $ISC_PACKAGE_INSTALLDIR/mgr/  && cp $CI_DIR/GitLab.xml $ISC_PACKAGE_INSTALLDIR/mgr/  && $ISC_PACKAGE_INSTALLDIR/dev/Cloud/ICM/ $CI_DIR/pwd.txt  && iris start $ISC_PACKAGE_INSTANCENAME  && irissession $ISC_PACKAGE_INSTANCENAME -U%SYS < $CI_DIR/load_ci.script  && iris stop $ISC_PACKAGE_INSTANCENAME quietly
 ---> Running in 86526183cf7c
Waited 1 seconds for InterSystems IRIS to start
This copy of InterSystems IRIS has been licensed for use exclusively by:
ISC Internal Container Sharding
Copyright (c) 1986-2018 by InterSystems Corporation
Any other use is a violation of your license agreement


Using 'iris.cpf' configuration file

This copy of InterSystems IRIS has been licensed for use exclusively by:
ISC Internal Container Sharding
Copyright (c) 1986-2018 by InterSystems Corporation
Any other use is a violation of your license agreement

1 alert(s) during startup. See messages.log for details.
Starting IRIS

Node: 39702b122ab6, Instance: IRIS


Load started on 04/06/2018 17:38:21
Loading file /usr/irissys/mgr/GitLab.xml as xml
Load finished successfully.



[2018-04-06 17:38:22.017] Running init hooks: before

[2018-04-06 17:38:22.017] Importing hooks dir /tmp/src/MyApp/Hooks/

[2018-04-06 17:38:22.374] Executing hook class: MyApp.Hooks.Global

[2018-04-06 17:38:22.375] Executing hook class: MyApp.Hooks.Local

[2018-04-06 17:38:22.375] Importing dir /tmp/src/

Loading file /tmp/src/MyApp/Tests/TestSuite.cls as udl

Compilation started on 04/06/2018 17:38:22 with qualifiers 'c'
Compilation finished successfully in 0.194s.

Load finished successfully.

[2018-04-06 17:38:22.876] Running init hooks: after

[2018-04-06 17:38:22.878] Executing hook class: MyApp.Hooks.Local

[2018-04-06 17:38:22.921] Executing hook class: MyApp.Hooks.Global
Removing intermediate container 39702b122ab6
 ---> dea6b2123165
[Warning] One or more build-args [CI_PROJECT_DIR] were not consumed
Successfully built dea6b2123165
Successfully tagged
Job succeeded

Note that I'm using GitLab Shell executor and not Docker executor. Docker executor is used when you need something from inside of the image, for example, you're building an Android application in java container and you only need an apk. In our case, we need a whole container and for that, we need Shell executor. So we're running Docker commands via GitLab Shell executor.



We have our image, next let's run it.  In the case of feature branches, we can just destroy old container and start the new one. In the case of the environment, we can run a temporary container and replace environment container in case tests succeed (that is left as an exercise to the reader).

Here is the script.

destroy old:
  stage: destroy
    - test
    - docker stop iris-$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME || true
    - docker rm -f iris-$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME || true

This script destroys currently running container and always succeeds (by default docker fails if it tries to stop/remove non-existing container).

Next, we start the new image and register it as an environment. Nginx container automatically proxies requests using VIRTUAL_HOST environment variable and expose directive (to know which port to proxy).

run image:
  stage: run
    url: http://$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG.
    - test
    - docker run -d
      --expose 52773
      --env VIRTUAL_HOST=$
      --log $ISC_PACKAGE_INSTALLDIR/mgr/messages.log



Let's run some tests.

test image:
  stage: test
    - test
    - docker exec iris-$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME irissession iris -U USER "##class(isc.git.GitLab).test()"


Finally, let's publish our image in the registry

publish image:
  stage: publish
    - test
    - docker login -u dev -p 123
    - docker push$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME

User/pass could be passed using GitLab secret variables.

Now we can see the image in GitLab:

And other developers can pull it from the registry. On environments tab all our environments are available for easy browsing:



In this series of articles, I covered general approaches to the Continuous Delivery. It is an extremely broad topic and this series of articles should be seen more as a collection of recipes rather than something definitive. If you want to automate building, testing and delivery of your application Continuous Delivery in general and GitLab in particular is the way to go. Continuous Delivery and containers allows you to customize your workflow as you need it.


What's next

That's it. I hope I covered the basics of continuous delivery and containers.

There's a bunch of topics I did not talked about (so maybe later), especially towards the containers:

  • Data could be persisted outside of container, here's the documentation on that
  • Orchestration platforms like kubernetes
  • InterSystems Cloud Manager
  • Environment management - creating temporary environments for testing, removing old environments after feature branch merging
  • Docker compose for multi-container deployments
  • Decreasing docker image size and build times
  • ...
Discussion (10)4
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What risk?

There are two distinct cases - where we have users/passwords in place or we don't.

In the first case container should use these passwords (via Durable %SYS) and they shouldn't be be superseded by anything happening with a container change.

In the second case we have some empty application - no users, no data and so specifying random password only adds unnecessary steps down the line.

There is one case where we need to force our container user to create new password - when we are:

  • supplying a complete application
  • don't have control over how it is deployed
  • passwords are stored inside the container

in this case yes (when all conditions are met), password should be scrambled, but this situation is wrong on itself (mainly in storing passwords inside the container), and should be resolved by other means.

Thank you for sharing this! We followed same process overall, but handled code promotion differently. Our setup is to run IRIS on Kubernetes with different volumes for namespaces (code, globals) & journaling.

Given this requirement, we can not copy/package code into the docker image. So we made use of post install script option to pull the code and import as IRIS container starts.