· Jul 10

InterSystems Community Q&A Monthly Newsletter #38

Top new questions
Can you answer these questions?
#InterSystems IRIS
Keyboard Mapping in iris session when using Windows ssh.exe
By Jeffrey Drumm
Migrating source control projects from Subversion to Github with IRIS
By Kevin Kindschuh
How to "real" training a machine learning model
By Kurro Lopez
Component registration
By ala zaalouni
Global Mirroring
By Meenakshi Muthu
Increase performance of production
By Meenakshi Muthu
Deferred lock
By Meenakshi Muthu
Error: Invalid Community Edition license, may have exceeded core limit. - Shutting down the system : $zu(56,2)= 0
By Moussa SAMB
Polybase and IRIS
By Adam Doherty
Why does the Rule Editor display a sad face?
By Joshua Wigley
Which are the best practises to handle large JSON?
By Pietro Di Leo
%DynamicObject (JSON) Response into Class Structure
By Scott Roth
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "IRIS"
By Saghir Hussain
Error importing globals from Caché to Iris
By Josep Balagué
Global can be shared by all namespace
By Meenakshi Muthu
How to read from a file
By Smythe Smythee
%session & passing credentials between ZenPages that reside on different healthshare servers
By Carl Maklad
How to call another method in a generated method
By Shuheng Liu
How to send WRITE formatted output to a variable
By Lynn Lantz
CREATE TABLE AS SELECT fails when one specific field is present
By Stefan Schick
How to convert an embeddings vector to be saved as %Vector
By Ditmar Tybussek
Problem with handling Nacks/Errors on IRIS
By Ali Chaib
How can i see the request size in kilobytes/megabytes?
By omer
Migration from Intersystems IRIS to Oracle DB
By Meenakshi Muthu
OnInit() Question - Ens.BusinessOperation (HTTP.OutboundAdapter)
By Scott Roth
#InterSystems IRIS for Health
Best Practice Question - Connecting to REST API's outside of the network
By Scott Roth
JWT enabled FHIR Server web app access
By Ashok Kumar
VS Code client-side editing and class/package changes
By Robert Barbiaux
How to pass the cloned-object from one rule to another, and send the modified object to target Process or Operation in Rule Editor?
By William Liu
Has anyone worked with in Fhir R4 Binary deserialization (From Athena)?
By Victor Castanon
Testing XML input to Router Management Portal or via XML document viewer
By Thomas Haig
Handling non-8-bit characters in HTTP headers.
By Otto Medin
Why do I have running jobs with no Process ID?
By Chris Pursey
Interpreting Application Error Log
By Kim Trieu
Create a unique constraint on an existing table
By Michael Wood
SQL DatePart Not Working With ISO 8601 Formatted Date & Time
By Carl (booz Allen) Deitrich
Looking for examples of creating a JSON web service as "business service" and converting the JSON data received to a HL-7 message in a Transformation.
By Will
Recommended way to read 𝗦𝗙𝗧𝗣 𝗼𝗿 𝗙𝗧𝗣 files
By Yone Moreno Jimenez
How to remove line feed and carriage return from start and end, but not from the middle of a string
By Yone Moreno Jimenez
How to apply huge amount of Biz Rules on a cloned object by using Rule Editor?
By William Liu
#InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee)
#38Monthly Q&A fromInterSystems Developers