· Jun 28, 2018

Communication link failure trying to access Studio

On one HealthShare servers (RH Linux, 2017.1.1), I am not able to login to Studio for this server. When I select the server connection from the notification tray icon, choosing Remote System Access, Studio, then the server, the error I getting is:

Unable to log on to server {Server Name}

Communication link failure

I've tried using both DNS name and IP address, same result. Using Atelier, I am able to connect to the server using the same DNS name and Web Server Port that I'm trying in Studio.

Discussion (16)2
Log in or sign up to continue

I don't get to the point of trying to login. As soon as Studio launches for this connection, instead of showing the logon box, it goes directly to the error. I've never connected to it from Studio, so my username/password are not saved. There is also no entry in the audit log when I try to open Studio, no event for this is being logged.

I've also tried ccontrol stop then start on the instance.

If Audit is enabled
and LoginFailure and Protect events are enabled
and there is no audit event recorded when you enter username/password and see error after clicking OK.

then I would say that connection attempt from Studio does not reach HealthShare.

Can you do telnet on port 1972 from the computer where you have Studio? Instead of server specify IP-address of server with HealthShare

C:\temp>telnet server 1972
  Connecting To server...

When you say you can't telnet from your machine, do you mean that you don't have a telnet client installed and/or cannot install one?

Are you connecting to the server via a local LAN connection or through a VPN? There may be port-range restrictions for non-local IP addresses in the VPN server's configuration. Even if you're not using a VPN client to connect, there may be a firewall between your location and the server's location that filters traffic based on source network and/or destination port. Finally, there may be similar rules in the Caché host's internal firewall that could impact connections from specific local networks or hosts. This would explain why an Atelier connection works but a Studio connection does not.

It's also possible that your workstation's firewall/anti-virus may be blocking outbound traffic on specific ports or port ranges. If it's so locked down that you can't install a telnet client to test with, I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case.