· Jan 10, 2018

Configure IIS for WebApplication in Ensemble

Hi all,

I've configured my Ensemble instance to use IIS 7, according to the instructions CSP Gateway configuration Guide and I've configure the CSP Virtual application.

All the process about Native modules is done.

If I open http://localhost/csp/bin/Systems/Module.cxw I see that it is using the IIS as I expected.

I've created a WebApi and I've deployed in my server

If I call the check method it works 

however, if I call it directly (localhost/myapi/check) it doesn't work.

Error HTTP 404.0 - Not Found

If I check the list of application access in the CSP Web Gateway management, it is in the list.

I've tried to add it manually, using the same configuration than /csp, also adding the application /myapi in the IIS, but no one works.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Best regards,

Francisco Lopez

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Your IIS configuration maps /csp to the CSP Gateway, but your application is /myapp - so when IIS looks at /myapp, it doesn't know what to do so it tries to serve files off of your filesystem which, of course, it can't!

So your question now, no doubt, is why does it work through the private Apache server (57773)?  Well because the private Apache server is set up to ALWAYS send ALL requests to the CSP Gateway, and the CSP Gateway knows how to handle it.

There's another trick, too.  When you create your /myapp virtual application, make sure you create a new module mapping for *. REST requests do not have extensions so you need to be sending all requests to the CSP Gateway regardless of extension (or things won't work)!

If you are having any more trouble getting this set up, please feel free to contact the WRC and we'll be happy to help you get set up.