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· 5 hr ago

Nuevas publicaciones en la Comunidad de InterSystems, 26 agosto - 1 septiembre

26 agosto - 1 septiembreWeek at a GlanceInterSystems Developer Community
· 5 hr ago 1m read

Cómo descargar un archivo de imagen de un servidor web utilizando el lenguaje ObjectScript

[FAQ] Preguntas frecuentes de InterSystems

El siguiente código descarga y guarda el archivo como c:\temp\test.png.

Es necesario definir una configuración SSL llamada SSLTEST antes de ejecutar este código.


ClassMethod download() As %Status
    Set sc = $$$OK
    Set httprequest=##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
    set httprequest.Port = 443
    set httprequest.Https = 1
    set httprequest.SSLConfiguration = "SSLTEST"
    Set httprequest.Server=""
    Do httprequest.Get("/assets/intersystems-logo.png")
    Set httpresponse=httprequest.HttpResponse
    Set file=##class(%File).%New("c:\temp\test.png")
    Do file.Open("NWUK\BIN\")
    Do file.CopyFrom(httpresponse.Data)
    Do file.Close()
    Return sc
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· 5 hr ago 1m read

Helm Uninstall InterSystems - What does it do?

Say I want to uninstall the IKO - all I need to do is:

> helm uninstall intersystems

What happens behind the scenes is that helm will uninstall what was installed when you ran :

> helm install intersystems <relative/path/to/iris-operator>

In some sense - this is symmetric to when we ran install - however with a different image.

You'll notice that when you install, it knows what image to take from:

  repository: intersystems/iris-operator-amd

For uninstall the image to take note of is:

  registry: appscode
  repository: kubectl
  tag: v1.14

as referenced in your values.yaml.

Some clients have had trouble uninstalling when their cluster is not connected to the internet, because this image is missing from their registry. What occurs then, is that we have to go and delete the objects that were created via the templates folder, referenced here, and these two secrets:


To avoid this just push the cleaner image to your repository. You can find the newest image here (make sure to push the image you reference in values.yaml).

Hope this helps!

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· 7 hr ago

<PROTECT> *Function not allowed in IRIS Native python

Hello Community,

I got the PROTECT error while running functions. But, I could able to call the classmethods and methods in class definition with classMethodObject, classMethodValue etc.. from python. without any errors
python code

raise RuntimeError(error_message)
RuntimeError: <PROTECT> *Function not allowed
fnString(fn1) public {
  quit "Hello "_fn1

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· 7 hr ago

Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh , India

More than merely earning a certification is the goal of enrolling in a Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. Gaining profound insights about yourself and your relationship with the world, along with delving deeper into the practice of yoga, is possible on this life-changing trip. A person's ability to grow and transform within is enhanced by the training's immersive nature and the spiritual milieu of Rishikesh.

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