At the moment we're creating multiple BPLs are using a router (or another BPL) to direct to these based on a unique key modulo the amount of BPLs available, e.g. if we have 3 BPLs created.

Message key = 1 mod 3 + 1 -> BPL02
Message key = 2 mod 3 + 1 -> BPL03
Message key = 3 mod 3 + 1 -> BPL01

FIFO only matters in that each messages for each key is processed in order.

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The task is to find all globals that are referenced in certain routines. I could search for ^ using class(%Studio.Project).FindInFiles but that would also find ^ in comments and function calls. I can distinguish between a global and a function call visually, but it would be lovely to be able to skip function calls programmatically. Is it possible?

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When setting up a new web app in iris (iris is in a container) iris complains that a WSGI framework is not installed. I have installed python into the container as well as both flask and django via the python virtual environment (see second screenshot) and the python language server is running

Is this the wrong way to install flask? How do I get the container version to recoginize that flask is installed?

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