Attila, can you please elaborate on why it is potentially dangerous to refer to data outside of current record unless Calculated is specified?

I personally use Calculated only when property value might change during oref lifetime. If property value is not changed once object is in process memory, then there is no need for Calculated, as I understand -- Transient is enough.

Yes, Illegal CSP Request usually means that access to this particular class is prohibited.

If your web application named '/csp/healthshare/mhclib/' then you need to enable classes as follows:

set ^SYS("Security","CSP","AllowClass","/csp/healthshare/mhclib/","%SOAP.WebServiceInfo")=1
set ^SYS("Security","CSP","AllowClass","/csp/healthshare/mhclib/","%SOAP.WebServiceInvoke")=1

Notice that calling SOAP Service via test webpage (%SOAP.WebServiceInvoke.cls) is independent from calling web service via SOAP protocol. For that you should check option "Inbound Web Services" in Web application settings.

%SOAP.WebServiceInfo and %SOAP.WebServiceInvoke are just pages to test web services via Browser.

SOAP protocol itself does not use these pages.

"An error occurred with the CSP application and has been logged to system error log (^ERRORS)"

means that you can check error in Management Portal -> System Operation -> System Logs -> Application Error Log -> [Namespace]

Or for debugging purposes set error page for web application to %CSP.Error.cls

and see errors on the page itself

Hi Randy.

FILTER option in SETTINGS references "Allowed Default Values for Filters" section of doc

You can specify set of members as follows:


Then you need to URL encode this value:

Particularly by replacing & with %26 and , with %2C

For example, if I want to pass to "Basic Dashboard Demo" several values for Home Zip Code filter I need to create following string:


And then URL encode it to


Hi Blaise.

Does following query looks like what you need?

With Member Measures.[RunningTotal] As 
                MEASURES.[Amount Sold])',FORMAT_STRING='$#,#.#' 
SELECT {Measures.[Amount Sold],Measures.[RunningTotal]} ON 0,  
        [DateOfSale].[Actual].YearSold.&[2016].CHILDREN ON 1 

It prints two columns -- Revenue in current month and Total revenue from 2011-01 up to current month. Rows are months of 2016 year.

Hi Paul.

Compact view is great. With it I can see sixteen topics on one screen instead of four.

What I would like to see is links instead of ajax buttons.

For example, I want to bookmark compact view of unanswered posts.

I've tried linking to, but that is just a JSON content.

Thank you Jose-Tomas.

As I understand (please see last three paragraphs of "Cyrillic4, Cyrillic3, and umlauts" section), Spanish language has some specific collation rules and satisfying these rules require more general (and complex) algorithm than sorting two strings based on individual character codes. That is why Spanish collations are slower then Caché Standard.

The more processing you application does besides looping with $Order/$Query and inserting data into global the less impact has collation performance. Running ^%SYS.MONLBL with globals/locals with different collation settings should give you more accurate performance data.