InterSystems IRIS does not have a MEDIAN SQL function. However, it has different window functions.

For example, Percent_Rank might help you here.

create table test(c1 varchar(10), c2 integer)

insert into test(c1,c2) 
select 'a',1
union all
select 'b',2
union all
select 'c',3
union all
select 'd',3
union all
select 'e',3
union all
select 'f',4
union all
select 'g',5
union all
select 'h',6

select c1, c2, Percent_Rank () OVER ( 
    ORDER BY c2 desc
) rank_no 

from test
order by c2 desc

c1  c2  rank_no
h   6   0
g   5   .1428571428571428571
f   4   .2857142857142857143
c   3   .4285714285714285714
d   3   .4285714285714285714
e   3   .4285714285714285714
b   2   .8571428571428571429
a   1   1


Also, it's possible to create a user-defined aggregate function. See

Hi Lee.

"For example, for the error log I am trying to display, it's a table that has just 16 rows and 6 columns. The columns I turn into dimensions. If I crossjoin more than 3 of the columns, I will timeout/freeze."

Can you provide reproducible case? It would be interesting to look into this. Not that crossjoining of three dimensions is a best practice, but it should work quickly for 16 rows.

Now to your questions.

  • How do we prevent double columns for the 1st column?

Go to Widgets -> [your widget] -> Data Properties.

Define properties for your columns.

On the ID property put checkbox "hidden"

  • How to prevent putting commas in the numbers:

Put "#" in the format field [0]

*How to format date to be returned in external format.

As far as I know, you should do this in the SQL query itself.



You need to specify

Parameter ARGUMENTSTYLE = "message";

For example:

Class delme.SoapService Extends %SOAP.WebService [ Language = objectscript, ProcedureBlock ]

Parameter ARGUMENTSTYLE = "message";

Parameter SERVICENAME = "MyService";

Parameter NAMESPACE = "";

Method Test(x As %String) As %String(XMLNAME="Root") [ WebMethod ]
    Return "Test"


Then response is following:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:s="">
      <Root xmlns="">Test</Root>

Hi Ramesh.

"Invalid cursor state" is an error returned by ODBC driver. Ensemble just shows this error to you.

It's expected that you don't get this error when you run the proc directly on SQL Server -- because there is no ODBC driver involved in this case.

What you can try is to run the same query from some other ODBC tool (e.g. WinSQL) and see if you are getting the same error message.

If you see the same problem -- the likely the issue is within ODBC-driver+SQL Server. If you don't see the same problem then indeed, something might require changing on Ensemble side.

Also -- try googling this error message "Invalid cursor state". As this error message comes from Microsoft ODBC driver there are perhaps discussions on Microsoft sites. For example, I found this one

You can redirect results to the file. If you specify csv format then data is TAB-delimited.

SAMPLES>>set displaymode=csv

displaymode = csv
SAMPLES>>set displaypath=c:\temp\

displaypath = C:\temp\
SAMPLES>>set displayfile=results.txt

displayfile = results.txt
SAMPLES>>select * from Sample.Person
4.      select * from Sample.Person


Hi Lucas.

I'm confused in the URL on the screenshot you are correctly using IRISUsername [0]

Why in the "sudo google-chrome-stable ..." command you are using just "Username" parameter? Did you redefine GetCredentials to take username from URL parameter "Username" ?


This works both way.

Consider class:

Class dc.TestArgs

ClassMethod AcceptArgs(x...)
    write "Got following params",!
    zw x

ClassMethod NormalMethod(a As %String, b As %String, c As %String)
    write "we got in a: ",a,!
    write "we got in b: ",b,!
    write "we got in c: ",c,!

ClassMethod SendArgs()
    set p = 3
    set p(1) = "first parameter"
    set p(2) = "second"
    set p(3) = "third"
    do ..AcceptArgs(p...)

    write "works with usual argument style",!
    do ..NormalMethod(p...)


Notice in SendArgs we are constructing p -- array of arguments. We can pass it both to method that accepts args..., and to normal method.

USER>d ##class(dc.TestArgs).AcceptArgs(1,2,3)
Got following params

USER>d ##class(dc.TestArgs).SendArgs()
Got following params
x(1)="first parameter"
works with usual argument stylewe got in a: first parameter
we got in b: second
we got in c: third